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I arrived to work early in the morning before the mall opened. I worked at American eagle- yeah I know they best place to work in the whole world. Hey at least it gave me money besides my racing money. I was saving up to get into college since I was never able to when I was 16 because my mum was a selfish bitch that didn't care about me and didn't allow me to go to college. So what is did after I graduated was move here to New York, paid for the apartment that I got from my job in London, paid for the plane ticket and maybe stole some money for her to buy my baby. I don't drive my car to work it's only for racing.

"Hey Louis," Kasen Empire greets me as I walk in the back room of the store. "So how was your weekend?"

"Great Kasen just great!" I say sarcastically and hang up my jean jacket on a hook.

"Ooo we have something to talk about while we fold clothes." He claps his hands together like a girl.

"Tomlinson, Empire open the store and set the sale signs out then you can start what you normally do." Our boss says. "Oh and Tomlinson I need you to set these new clothes out for me on display." She pats a box that was filled with clothes.

Kasen and I both walked into the shop with the box in my arms. The front table that normally holds clothes was empty. I sat the box down to help Kas with the gate. He unlocked it with a key and he both slide it up. When it was all the way up we unlocked the doors and opened them up. Kas took the sale sign out while I began to open the box to set the new clothes out.

The clothes were already folded so I pulled a stack out, setting in on the table. Kasen helped as well since it was our job to fold clothes, set new clothes out, grab the clothes from the changing room put this back where the belong, hang some clothes up, dress the manikins and of course helps customers when they ask.

"Tomlinson don't forget about these other boxers back here. There's a few that say they hang up." I hear my boss say.

"Alright ma'am," I reply nicely and when she wasn't looking I rolled my eyes. "Kas would you mind getting another box this one is almost done." He nods and takes the empty box to the back with him. I quickly pull my phone out to see the time, we a few minutes left before crazy early people came into the mall. I put my phone away when he came back with two boxes.

"Louis tell me about your weekend since we don't see each other unless we're working." He says opening a box. I roll my eyes once more this morning.

Well let's see I got wasted after work, almost got into a fight, kissed my best mate, got a hangover, went for a race, won money, got declined for a date by Officer Payne, then yesterday I was too lazy to do anything so I jacked off and watched a few soccer games and races."

"Wow Louis that's a nice way to put it." He hits me with a hanger. "Why did Officer Payne decline you?"

"I don't know," I drop the box to the floor so I could work on putting clothes on the second shelf of the table. "I don't he like the idea of a wanted illegal racer taking him on a date since he's supposed to be arresting me."

"Oh I'm sure that not the reason mate," I cut him off before he could finish.

"Mate? You can't use mate unless you're from England, from Ireland or from Australia. So I prefer you not calling me mate, mate." I stop places clothes to look up at him.

"Alright fine dude, but in all honesty I think that's not the reason. He's probably not ready to date you or maybe he wants to ask you instead of you asking him. He wants to take charge. You've done it so many times with your little flirts that he wants to try." He rambles and grabs more clothes that have to hang up.

"No it's just that he doesn't want to date me. I understand if he didn't. I'll just be alone living with a bunch of cats like a little homeless man but I'll have a home of course." I place the colorful tank tops down. A hand was being smacked against the back of my beanie covered head. I turn to look up at Kasen.

"Lou stop being so down on yourself." I roll my eyes once more and get back to putting tank tops on the shelf. "Keep rolling your eyes and maybe they'll just roll out of your head." He grabs my empty box and sassily walks to the back. I swear he shows too much of his gayness.

I stand up from my spot brushing off the dirt on my butt. I notice a few people were in the mall already and walking into the stores.

"Welcome to American Eagle." I smile at the teen girls, they giggle. "We're having a sale on our summer stuff since that's all you are looking for right now."

"Yes it is thank you." One of them says and they begin to go through the clothes that I just sat out it was only girl clothes out so far I still had to put the guys out.


By lunch time Kasen and I went to the food court to eat. I order from chipotle along with a Pepsi to drink. Kasen had order something from there too and we are both now sitting at the tables in the food court. My hand kept my head up while I moved my fork around my chicken salad.

"Louis what's wrong you barely ate anything." I slightly shrug as a response. "It's not about Mr. Payne is it?"

"No, I don't know, I guess. It still bothers me that he didn't want to go on a date." I take a bite of my salad.

"Hey look at me," he rests a hand on my own that was now resting on the table. I look up at him, folding the arm that held my head up down. "If he doesn't want to date you than that's his fault because he said no. You're a wonderful guy; you're funny, and sexy. If he doesn't want that than I do." I laugh quietly and shake my head. "There's my favorite Louis smile."

"I wouldn't date you in a million year Empire State Building." I smile a little bigger and he smiles too.

"Darn I was looking forward too. Okay how 'bout this, I know a guy that is very sweet, charming and is waiting for his Prince Charming. Let's set you up on date with him this Wednesday night." He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I look away so I could quickly finish my lunch and get back to work.

"How 'bout no, I don't like blind dates." I get out of my chair to toss the food and drink away. Kasen does the same.

"Yes you are. I'll have him pick you up at 8 and you better enjoy the date." I roll my eyes; he shrieks softly making me turn to my left to face him. "Your eyes are about to roll out, oh my god I can see the veins ready to snap!" He says dramatically.

"Stop that, they are not going to roll out of my head." I punch is arm. He winces and rubs over the now most likely forming bruise.

I wrap my arm around his shoulders and he wraps his arm around my waist as we skip back to work. Every time we got strange looks I flipped them and they looked away quickly not wanting to bother with me. Kasen and I went back to fixing the clothes people ruined and taking all the clothes out of the dressing rooms to put back where they belonged.


I would ship Lasen but I ship Lilo more so who is Kasen going to set Louis up with? The world may never know.

-Leigh xxxxx (4-19-15)

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