chapter 25:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Chao explains her plans to one punch hero & half demon beauty destroyer stands behind her.

Chao explains her plans to one punch hero & half demon beauty destroyer stands behind her

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Setsuna for her part was angry at first but she dismissed it. To Chao its a turn around letting go of the pain.

Chao: destroyer kun. Can you & y/n san leave for a bit i'm gonna talk to my classmate.

Y/n: cool come on sidekick

Chao talks to her classmate.

Chao: i know....

Setsuna: LET IT GO💢

chao holding her head: oww😩

Setsuna hugged time the traveling girl

Setsuna: all you need is love lingshen. You have wonderful guy in your life think about the future.

Chao: its strange you are not the type to hug has y/n change you

Setsuna: you bet. So do you feel it now

Chao's eyes started shimmering her body started shaking she clutching on Setsuna no one has ever hugged besides destroyer the first time a friend like Setsuna step out & hugged her.

She cried making the two plot armor heroes looking back.

Chao: ... Your ... First ..girl that ever hugged ... Me i'm so happy

Setsuna: (giggling)

They stayed like that for hours. Till they finally went there own ways.
Y/n & setsuna watching the fireworks after their firework kiss.

Y/n: glad you didn't ... You know

Setsuna: nah i'm not that kind of girl to judge her.

Y/n: Chao's right you never got that clinging before, relationships are a new to you. Perhaps I can teach you💞😁


I'll slice you😒

Y/n: just kidding

Nothing to say


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