the wedding announcement

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Harry rolls over in bed, eyes still adjusting to the light, as he grabs for his glasses on the bed-side table. He finds the morning Prophet waiting for him. The Sunday edition.

The smell of coffee spreads throughout his flat, since he always remembers to time the machine to brew an individual cup every morning. After summoning the prepared coffee into his room — because he's really a lazy bastard and it is his day off — Harry sits up on the bed and opens the paper.

Same old news, different day. The Prophet is still writing about their opinions of how he quit the Aurors to help his friend's business, and how the crime rate has risen since Harry left the DMLE. It has not. He gets weekly reports from Ron. Even though they're not partners anymore, Ron likes to keep Harry in the loop.

He's about to close the paper and toss it when an announcement catches his eye.

There's an image of two rings resting next to each other, before the start of the article. But it's the headline that has Harry confused: Draco Malfoy to Wed Daphne Greengrass.

Harry isn't sure if he's read it correctly, so he rubs his eyes and adjusts his glasses. No, he hasn't read it wrong. It does say that Draco Malfoy is engaged to one of the Greengrass sisters.

The gay one.

The Greengrass sisters are semi-famous in the wizarding world because of their fashion design company they started with Pansy Parkinson. He knew Astoria was courting Viktor Krum for a while and they eloped, and he also knows Daphne Greengrass had a brief fling with Luna. Luna had never mentioned Daphne being bisexual, and even though their relationship had been a secret, they were out to all of Luna's friends.

Does Malfoy know about this? Does he know he's marrying a lesbian?


"Someone's ought to tell him!" Harry says to Hermione over lunch when they meet later that day to discuss Ron's surprise birthday party.

They see each other at work every day, but this is the only time Hermione has to actually plan without any distractions. Harry almost feels sorry for bringing this up to her.

"Right, Harry," Hermione replies without looking up from her planner. She checks off all the arrangements that have already been set for the party and circles the ones that still need to be taken care of. The party is still a month away but Hermione is Hermione. She started planning right after the New Year.

"Maybe I should owl him," Harry says, sighing and leaning back in his chair. He crosses his arms.

Hermione's head snaps up and she gives him a scrutinising look.

"What?" he asks.

"You want to tell Draco Malfoy he's marrying a lesbian. Via owl?"

Harry shrugs. "I'll make it anonymous."

Hermione shakes her head. "Why do you care?" She returns to her task but continues speaking. "You haven't seen him in years and all of a sudden you're interested in who he's going to marry? It's not like Luna's heartbroken over it. They had an amicable break up. Daphne wasn't ready to come out of the closet and Luna avoids doesn't want to live in one. "

"I know..." Harry replies thoughtfully as he picks up his fizzy lemonade and sips at it through the straw. He loves meeting Hermione for lunch at The Fox & Crown: the Muggle crowd means he avoids any unwanted attention, and the unlimited lemonade refills make for an added bonus.

"But don't you think he should know. I mean, when I realised I was gay, I told Ginny right away. If I hadn't, she'd never pursued a relationship with Marco; she'd still be stuck with me! I just don't—I can't let him do that. Marry someone who doesn't love him. "

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