smut on the hogwarts express!

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SUMMARY: Draco Malfoy always had an obsessive crush on Harry Potter. Six years of sexual frustration in Hogwarts came to an end in the Hogwarts Express, when an opportunity presented itself and Harry Potter was ripe for the taking. Drarry lemon. Oneshot. M for smut.

Draco Malfoy knew from the moment the Instant Darkness Powder flooded the train with dark particles that Harry was up to something. Students onboard coughed and complained and someone said it was a first year fooling around. Draco knew better. He dusted his suit and turned, deciding to keep his eyes and ear sharp.

He took a seat with his Slytherin colleagues and Blaise was saying something stupid when Draco heard a tinkle somewhere from above him. Discreetly, he looked up and saw his suitcase stirring every so slightly. Draco smirked and continued the conversation.

When the train stopped, having reached Hogwarts' station, Draco stayed behind, -"You two go on,"- He explained, -"I want to check something."

After his friends left, Draco stood on the soles of his shoes to reach for his suitcase before tugging down the curtain of the compartment window.

Excitement was bubbling his insides when he spoke: -"Didn't your mummy ever told it was rude to eavesdrop, Potter?"- In a flurry of motions, he fished his wand out and pointed at the spot his briefcase once was, -"Petrificus Totalus!"

He heard something invisible hitting the floor with a thud. Draco approached, feeling smug, and reached a hand out to grasp Potter's famous Invisibility Cloak and yanked it to expose a petrified Harry.

-"Oh yeah, she was dead before you could even wipe the drool off your chin."- He jeered and had the urge to kick his face for what he did to his father

But another, more stronger impulse won.

-"Caught you unawares, didn't I? You're finally mine."- He licked his lips and knelt.

Finally, the great Harry Potter, the boy he's been obsessing over for six years, was at his mercy; helpless and completely vulnerable to Malfoy's advances. The blonde Slytherin leaned down and took Harry's chin between his thumb and index finger. He only hoped he had enough time to do everything he'd ever wanted to do to Harry.

It was his little secret, that he had a sick crush on the Potter boy since first year. Nobody else, absolutely nobody else, knew about it. Not even Mother and Father (they would banish him from the Malfoy Manor if they ever found out). It had been extremely frustrating and difficult to live with that secret, to watch (or spy) Harry prowling the corridors with his friends and then deal with his own erection in the common room. Draco much enjoyed mocking him too (although he is aware that most of the times he is quite insensible, especially regarding his dead parents, but Draco doesn't care enough to change though), because the way Harry's forehead would wrinkle, and his red lips would curl in distaste made Draco question his sexuality again and again. Then, they would fight, and it was the most exhilarating moment of Draco's miserable life; he swore he wetted himself each time Harry grunted or groaned and… and he was sweating, and his lips were parted and—

But now, Harry was under him, ripe for the taking. Enough fantasying.

-"I will ravish you, Potter, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

He kissed the frozen boy in the mouth, his pale lips draping over Harry's like a billowing cape, and it was everything like the blonde boy dreamed about. Draco tasted his lips, running his tongue over them, before biting and sucking the supple meat between his teeth. Then he traveled through his squared jawline until his lips found Harry's ears. The lobe was stuffy, begging to be bitten and sucked, and so Malfoy moved to mouth it whole, his tongue lapping lecherously over the skin. Then Draco dragged his pink organ up Harry's temple and placed a kiss at the crown of his head.

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