the wedding announcement2

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Malfoy releases a low groan in Harry's mouth as he parts his lips, and Harry slides his tongue in. The way Malfoy kisses him back, Harry has to wonder if there'd been times he'd wanted this too. After coming to terms with fancying Malfoy, Harry'd never been more clear about anything, and to know maybe Malfoy could want him back, is almost overwhelming.

There's a knock at the door, and they jerk apart. Harry can feel his face flushed, and if Malfoy's swollen lips are any indication, he's sure he looks a right mess.

The door opens slowly and Hermione's voice is heard as she peers in. "Harry, are you here?"

"Yeah, right here," Harry says as Malfoy all but hides in the corner of the room, trying to stay away from Hermione's line of vision.

"What are you doing in here?"

"We were just talking," Harry replies; he reaches the door and ushers Hermione out of the room. "What do you need?"

"Oh," she says, startled. The next bit is in a whisper, "With Malfoy?" Harry nods once. "Neville said he was heading out because he's got a Floo call scheduled with Charlie and Ron didn't really wish to stay any longer so... "

"Brilliant. I'll meet you by the door in five minutes," Harry replies. She smiles at him and places a kiss on his cheek. Harry walks back into the room.

"So, um..." Harry says, closing the door behind him when he's back in the room. He runs a hand through his hair. "About that... "

"Right," Malfoy says, straightening up. He pulls down on his button-down shirt, sliding his hands over it, as if trying to remove any wrinkles.

"I'm heading out, but will you... uhm... think about coming to the party? I will ask Hermione to owl you the details. It'd be really good for Daphne I think. To know she'll have a support system no matter what. I know if I didn't have the Weasleys to rely on when I came out, I would've been lost. "

Malfoy looks at him again, confused, or sceptical, Harry isn't sure. "So this is about Daphne?"

Harry takes a few steps towards Malfoy and when Malfoy doesn't move, he closes the distance between them. They stand there staring at each other for a long moment. Harry knows he has to go. He could stay, but he doesn't want Daphne to get irritated with him or get scared as if Harry were trying to steal Malfoy. Which is exactly what Harry's trying to do. He runs his thumb over Malfoy's lower lip and asks, "Can I kiss you again?"

"You didn't ask the first time," Malfoy replies but there isn't any venom in his answer.

"Last time, I was trying to demonstrate a point. This time, I'm trying to get you to make one. "

Malfoy looks surprised by Harry's reply and tilts his head to the side, raising his chin—challenging Harry.

Harry leans in and they kiss again. It's brief and Harry wishes he could simply ask Malfoy to come over so they can kiss some more, but he knows he has to wait. He has to make sure Daphne is okay with it first. Okay with them.

"You'll come to the party?" Harry asks again, cupping the back of Malfoy's neck, and keeping him close. He rests his forehead against Malfoy's as he waits for an answer.

"Yes. Of course. "

Harry smiles against Malfoy's lips, keeping his eyes closed. He has to tear himself away, so he turns around without looking at him. He has to do this because if he looks at Malfoy one more time, he'll never leave.

"I can't wait," he says, opening the door and leaving the room, leaving Malfoy behind.


Saturday, the twenty-sixth of February, is a cold and dreary evening. There's an unexpected snowstorm, and even though it isn't completely awful, there's nothing pleasant about it. All the guests are running late. Even if they are wizards and all they have to do is Apparate or take the Floo, it seems everyone is inconvenienced by the weather.

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