The Unexpected Ally

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"Y/n.. Something is going to happen later, but I can't tell you. After whatever it is that happens, promise me you'll follow me to the slytherin common room?" Draco looked at Y/n with such sorrow, they have never seen him so desperate. "Yes I will, but I've never been there so you'll have to show me around!" Y/n smiled as Snape dismissed the class. Draco looked scared and took y/n by the hand. "You need to come with me"

Draco led y/n down a long hall, he scoped out the area before dragging y/n into the boys washroom. He made sure no one was around to hear. "Y/n I need you to listen to me, and I mean every word." Y/n nodded and stared deeply into Draco's eyes. She could sense the desperation filling up. "Something is going to happen later. Something terrible, and from what I know it's an curse that can't be broken." Y/n started to get worried. Draco realized that and put his hand on her shoulder. "You can't show pain, you can't let them know. Even in front of your friends, you CAN NOT show pain. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Draco raised his voice to make sure y/n was listening. "Okay so, no pain? Got it. Umm may I ask how bad the pain will be? And what is the pain from?" Y/n started to overthink, Draco squeezed her arm gentle to bring her back. " It's pretty severe, I can't tell you what is going to happen, but I want you to be careful. Don't tell anyone about anything that happens today, for all they know you're fine. Okay?" Y/n was in fear, but she agreed.

Throughout the day everything seemed to be normal, but she just couldn't get the thought of the words Draco put into her mind, she can't show pain? She's never shown pain. Even when she was in her darkest times, she wouldn't show or tell anyone. She didn't want them to feel bad. She didn't want them to be in pain, so this should be an easy task for her.

As Y/n started to sit down to the feast, although she was a hufflepuff she sat at the gryffindor table. "Snape seems off today, is that just me?" Harry whispered. "It's not just you," Hermione glanced over at y/n, "He's been looking at Y/n all day, whatever it is it can't be good." Y/n looked down, she was worried about what was going to happen, yet she gulped down all of that. "It probably isn't anything serious, it'll be fine y/n" Ron spoke softly as he watched Y/n tap her fingers on the table. Someone whispered faintly to Draco, making him turn around to see Y/n's head on the table and Harry rubbing her back trying to calm her. "Y/n!...Y/N!" Draco called across tables to y/n. "Draco I can't do this, I- I" Draco stopped y/n from talking. He motioned for her to sit by him as Goyle scooted away. Y/n looked at Hermione and the others, took a deep breath, and moved her plate right beside Draco. "Y/n what's going on?" "Y/n?" "Are you just going to leave us for that jerk?" The trio was left in the dust of confusion that Y/n left. Y/n shut them out and whispered softly to herself "Don't wanna make it worse, I'm gonna make it work". Draco turned to Y/n wiping the few tears she built up.

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