Chapter 1

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"Come on! We are going to be late!" Copter pulls on my arm, while I pout.

Why couldn't I find some excuse not to come with them?

I glance over to Godt and huff, "I still don't understand why I couldn't have the prince outfit. I'm definitely a prince."

Copter rolls his eyes as he tightens his grip on my wrist, while running towards the house. "Idiot. You wouldn't have fit. The outfit is way too big for you."

The heavy beat of the music hits us subtly at first, but the closer that we get to the house, it is more like a hammer thumping a steady beat against us. I try to drag my feet, but Copter won't let me slow us down.

Godt shakes his head and puts his hand on my shoulder as he begins to push me along the sidewalk.

Ugh... Why do they have to be like this?

We aren't even at the house, yet we can already tell that the house is packed. Not only can we hear the music, but we can hear the cheers of the people. Not to mention that every parking spot remotely close to the house is taken, thus is why we had to park a block away and walk.

Godt calmly adds, "No one is going to care what your costume is. Plus being a vampire kind of suits you. Now, lets not keep Copgi from his boyfriend any longer or that cat is going to whips his claws out at you."

I glance at Copter and slightly snicker.

Who are we kidding? Copter is going to get the prize for best costume. Who would have thought that he would have actually dress up as Puss in Boots? Shoot. Copter even painted his face to be like the cat's face along with some fur. He didn't need a mask because no one can tell who he is with all the paint and fur.

The long feather in his black hat playfully flutters in the wind. Dang. Even his hat looks cute.

I slightly shake my head, while holding back a chuckle. I glance down at the knee-high black leather boots that Copter is wearing. Even his boots look cute on him. He really does make a cute Puss in Boots. He definitely has the feisty part down.

I almost lose my battle to keep from laughing at Copter's cute outfit, when his cat tail whips around and nearly hits me, as he turns back briefly to eye me.

I bite down harder on the inside of my cheek. I don't say anything, but just smile and shrug my shoulders. Deep inside though, I'm laughing and awing at how cute Copter looks. If they would do an actual play and needed someone to do Puss in Boots, Copter would be the best one for it.

I still don't understand why they decided to go to a house party. A Halloween party at that.

I prefer the bars better. You can easily sneak out without raising too many concerns. Plus, they have hotels nearby, just in case, you find someone, and you want to do a little more than talk.

A house is inconvenient. It is someone else's home, and I hate the feeling of imposing on someone. Plus, I can't stand to see everyone trashing the place. Even if the homeowner didn't mind it, I do. I don't want to see all the mess.

However, Copter's boyfriend was helping to plan and setup for this party, so Copter was going to come, no matter what. So, being good friends, Godt and I agreed to come along too. The downside is that Godt and I don't know anyone here besides Copter and his boyfriend, Kimmon. Copter has met and knows Kimmon's friends, but Godt and I had never been invited to hang out with Kimmon and his friend before.

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