I Love You [Day 18]

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Vanessa Hawkins walked through the various hallways of the Rebel base, one person on her mind. Luke Skywalker, her boyfriend and the man she had fallen in love with. Ever since Bespin Luke had changed considerably. He wasn't sleeping, eating, talking, and it was concerning.

Especially since she didn't know the reason why. Luke told her everything. Vanessa knew something had happened between Luke and Vader. Whatever it had been, it shook Luke to his core.

She hated to see him like this. 

Vanessa finally arrived at Luke's door and gently knocked.

"Luke can I co-?" She started to speak but stopped.

Something was wrong, she knew it. Sure she was only beginning to understand the force but she just knew. Vanessa walked into the room to see Luke on his bed, his arms around his knees, and rocking himself back and forth.

She didn't hesitate to rush over to the blonde's side.

"Luke? What's wrong angel?" Vanessa asked.

Luke said nothing but he turned and looked at her, his face red and puffy from crying.

"P-Panic attack." He answered.

Vanessa frowned slightly. What had upset Luke this much to send him into a panic attack? 

"Shhh, it's okay. I promise Luke." She said softly.

The girl smiled slightly then started to sing a old song from her home planet of Naboo. By the time she was done Luke had calmed down quite a bit.

"Sleep Luke it'll be alright. I'll stay here with you."

Vanessa watched as Luke nodded and closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.


Luke's eyes opened then took in his surroundings. He was in his room and- Oh yeah. He had a panic attack and Vanessa had seen it. She was worried about him, he could tell. He didn't want to make her worried.

After he had calmed down Vanessa helped him fall asleep with a beautiful song and had stayed with him until he fell asleep. Force he wanted to tell her, that Vader was his father. He didn't want to keep a secret from her. But...But if he did what would she think?

Speaking of which where was-?

The door to his quarters opened and Vanessa walked inside with a small smile on her face.

"Are you doing an-?"

"I-I'll tell you what happened. J-Just don't think of me any differently please..."

Vanessa's eyes widened in worry.

"Luke I promise I won't."

He nodded slightly then motioned for her to sit down beside him. Once she sat down he spoke.

"I had visions of Han and Leia during my training with Yoda. I went to rescue them but... Instead, I ended up being the one rescued. Leia and Chewie made it out on their own fine."

But Han...Oh, Han. They would find him, they would. Han was like his brother...

"I fought...Vader and he destroyed me. He could have killed me but he didn't. H-He told..."

Seeing how hard it was for Luke to talk about it Vanessa scooted over and gently rubbed Luke's back in soothing circles.  

"You don't have to tell me if it's this painful." She said softly.

"No, I have to. He told me that...he's my father. I denied it but the force kept telling me it's true. How could Anakin Skywalker become that?" 

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise but her words were all Luke needed to hear.

"I still love you and that will never change. I accept you for you, not your father Luke no matter who he is." Vanessa replied with a small smile.

For the first time since Bespin Luke genuinely smiled.

A/N: AHA! XD Oh! Vanessa Hawkins does not belong to me! She belongs to my friend KaitoDetective1412! She allowed me to write her for this one shot! I hope you enjoyed!

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