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The torches outlining the Scared Circle were now lit. Farren, her brothers, their wives, their children, and her father were standing on the outside of the circle looking in. 

The rest of the village was filled in on the premier and then formed a path from the portal of the circle to where the betrothed and the wedding party would enter. The people standing in the aisle of the path held long candles that had yet to be lit. 

Music began playing throughout the square. Gothi, the leader of the Pagan worship was leading the wedding procession. In his hand, Gothi held the hammer of Thor. As the procession grows nearer torches and candles are lit. 

Goster and Inger both have swords hanging from their hips, and horns of mead in their hands. The best man, Einar, and bridesmaid behind them carry torches to be placed in the ground once the possession stops. 

Gothi leads them to the portal of the circle. He enters alone. Leaving Gostar and Inger waiting at the entrance of the circle. Farren hadn't seen Inger in more than a day. Her dress was made of white cotton, with a long skirt and sleeves to her wrists. Over the white, she wore a smock the color of evergreen needles covered in frost in an early winter morning.

But dresses were of little importance. The bride's hair was important. Inger had hair the color of goat's milk. It fell to her waist when left alone. Today is had the traditional bridal braid and her head was adorned with the bridal crown. 

Inger came from a wealthy family, traders. The bridal crown was passed from woman to woman. Inger's was made of braided silver and was adorned with jewels and fresh spring flowers. Farren felt her stomach turn as she knew that her own bridal crown was forged from the steel of a shatters ax and decorated with wooden carvings and pine firs. 

Gothi walks to the center of the Sacred Circle and faces the families of the betrothed. Goster's to the right, Inger's to the left. He holds the hammer of Thor and opens the circle with the traditional blessing. 

Facing to the North the Gothi speaks. "Hammer to the North, hold and hallow this holy stead."

His voice booms across the ears of the village, his face glows yellow against the light of the sun, slowly sinking down to the horizon. Turning to the East Gothi speaks again. 

"Hammer to the East, hold and hallow this holy stead."

Turning to the South he vocalizes once more. 

"Hammer to the South, hold and hallow this holy stead."

He turns to the West. "Hammer to the West, hold and hallow this holy stead."

Turning back to the North Gothi delivers the last line of the blessing. "Sanctify this encloser and prevent all evil from entry." 

As Gothi places Thor's hammer on the altar a heavy silence falls upon the crowd. Even squirming infants can sense the gods among them. Farren can almost hear the whispers of Frigga as she watches the ceremony.

Farren breathes in the air as the square is silent. The salt from the sea registers nostalgia in her heart. The smell of sage flows off of the bridal party, the air turning to autumn is crisp and sharpens the girl's senses.

Farren is snapped back to the wedding as Gothi turns to face the bride and groom. Before speaking he takes his time examining the faces of the families. Looking out on all the people he has married on Friday's just like this.

"Divine Gods of Asgard," He begins. Gothi's stong but raspy voice holds such fervor as he talks. "Noble ancestors and those who have assembled here today, we welcome you to our sacred circle. We ask that you bear witness to this Holy union of matrimony of this couple and that this marriage be a lasting bond of commitment and perfect love."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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