Chapter 1

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Author's note: Guess since I've already finished my first Fanfiction "Bloody Rose" I decided to start a new one and again with the same pairing Aloha X Army uwu
If you haven't read "Bloody Rose" yet feel free to take a look at it c;

It was early in the morning and the sun shone into Army's bedroom which woke the orange inkling up from his deep sleep. Grumbling quietly to himself, he sat up slowly and rubbed at his eyes. "Why is it always so bright in the morning...", he complained followed by a yawn.

"When you want to sleep in for once but can't because it's too bright... Ugh...", he mumbled and laid back down, staring up at the ceiling. Suddenly his phone started to ring so Army had to reach over to his nightstand so he could grab it.

He looked at his phone to see who was calling him and to his surprise it was his mother. So he sat up properly and picked up.

"Hello mother how can I help you?", he asked into his phone.

"Hello Army my son how are you?", said Army's mother cheerfully.
"I'm pretty good I guess. What about you?", asked Army back and seemed quite confused.

"I'm good too thank you. Your father and I wanted to come by later and visit you since we're not too far. Do you have time today?"

Army frowned when he heard that and bit down on his lip. "Um...t-today? Well... Sure why not. Around what time will you come by?", he asked nervously. "We will be at your place around 4pm. Well then we will see you later.", said his mother.

"Sure see you later mother.", he said before he hung up. "Oh dang it...", Army grumbled and laid back down on his bed.

While laying on his bed he got back to the thought of telling his parents that he liked boys. Since a while now he knew that he wasn't into girls and all but actually never told anyone about it. So he was debating since then if he should talk to his parents about it.

But he still hasn't talked with them since he was way to scared that they'd hate him and abandon him because of it.

"At some point they're going to find it out anyways so I should probably try and tell them about it today... But what if they hate me for it?", mumbled Army and pulled his pillow close to his chest while debating in his head if it would be wise to tell them or not.

He sighed and got out of bed, deciding to take a quick shower before he would come to a conclusion. Grabbing some new and fresh clothing he headed over to his bathroom and set his clothing down. Afterwards he took his dirty clothing off and got into the shower.

"There are two options what I could do... I could wait for next time... Or I tell them today. If I don't tell them today I risk of them finding out at some point and probably getting mad at me for it... If I tell them today I also risk them getting mad at me because of not liking girls... Damn...", Army mumbled to himself and sighed.

Army decided to get cleaned up before he'd be in the shower for too long debating what he should do now.

After he had gotten cleaned up and dressed as well he went to his living room and sat down on his couch to watch some TV.
Army had been way to busy watching TV that he totally forgot that his parents wanted to visit. So when the doorbell rang he gasped. "Fuck?! My parents wanted to visit!? I totally forgot about that!?", he grumbled to himself and turned the TV off.

Afterwards he hurried over to his front door and took a deep breath before opening it. Upon opening it he saw his parents both standing in front of him, smiling brightly.

"Hello mother... Father. Come in.", he said and let his parents into his home. "Hello Army it's good to see you.", said his mother and squeezed Army's cheek before giving him a kiss on it.

Army laughed quietly and closed the door after his parents had gotten inside. "Would you like anything to drink? Tea? Or maybe coffee?", he offered to his parents and smiled softly. "Water is just fine.", said his father and got himself comfortable on Army's couch.

"Sure father.", he said and got his parents a glass of water which he set down on the couch table. "So how have you been son? How are things going?", asked his father and watched his son sit down on the couch as well.

"Well... Everything's been going well so far. How about you both? Everything okay?", he asked and smiled softly. "Everything's been okay so far.", answered his mother and smiled. "Also do you finally have a girlfriend? It's about time don't you think?", said Army's mom and rested her chin on her palm.

Army frowned and looked down, thinking wether he should tell them the truth or if he should lie. "Yea about that...", mumbled Army and scratched the back of his neck. Since he didn't like lying especially not lying to his parents he decided to tell them the truth.

"T-there is something I want to tell you both... I-", Army wanted to say but was cut off by his mother. "Don't tell me you got a girlfriend already?! Who is she and what's her name?", she asked excitedly which made Army quite uncomfortable.

"Yea no I don't have a girlfriend. But that's not what I was trying to tell you...", said Army and sighed. "I've felt like that since a while now and I wanted to tell you both about since a while now too... I-I... You see... I'm not really into... Girls...", he admitted and looked anxiously over to his parents.

His father only seemed to be quite irritated and his mother... More of a mix of being disappointed and disgusted? Army couldn't quite tell what their reactions are supposed to mean but he knew it wasn't something good.

"Not into girls? What is that supposed to mean Army?", asked his mother in a more serious tone and crossed her arms over her chest. "T-that means... That I don't like girls like that... I-I... I'm trying to say that I'm not hetero. I'm into... Guys so I'm gay.", Army admitted and couldn't help blushing bright orange.

He gasped once felt himself getting slapped across his face and looked shocked to his father.

"F-father w-what was t-that for?!", he gasped and held his hand over his cheek where he had gotten slapped. "Please tell me you're joking son. Our son can't possibly be into guys.", said Army's father.

Army bit down on his lip and slowly shook his head. "No father that's not a joke... I'm gay and there's nothing you say that will change it?!", said Army and couldn't help getting quite angry.

"Fine then we don't have a son anymore. We don't want to have a gay prick as you as our son. You really disrespect our family name?!", yelled Army's father at the young squid which shocked Army incredibly.

"Oh and you know what that means? We're not going to support you with our money anymore so you can see how you can pay for your apartment.", said his mother and got up as well. "Let's go love he doesn't deserve to spend time with us.", she said to the other and before Army knew it his parents had left him alone.

"W-wha... What...?", mumbled Army and stared at the now empty couch. Tears welled up in his eyes which were streaming down his cheeks by now. "W-why... Just... W-why...", Army sobbed out and pulled his knees up to his chest, sobbing into his arms.

"I'm s-so fucked... What a-am I supposed to d-do now...", he whimpered and kept on sobbing loudly.

He probably sat there for the next half an hour crying into his arms until he had calmed down again. Once he had stopped crying he decided to go back to his bed and just go to sleep, not wanting to do anything else.

Army sighed once he was back in bed and curled up to a ball and pulled his blanket tightly around himself. It didn't take long and he had dozen off, sleeping through until the next day.

-to be continued-

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