Comfortable Silence

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It had been three weeks since you found your perfect dress; three weeks since Fred had asked Angelina to be his date. The Yule Ball was only a few hours away and you and the girls were super excited.

"I'm so glad you decided to just come with us and not go with Malfoy" Hermione says, as she pins up her hair.

"Yeah, but I'm still technically going alone" you answer, looking at yourself in the mirror.

"Don't say that, you have us" Ginny says, coming over to you.

"Yeah, and plus, since you don't have a date you can dance with as many guys as you want" Taylor says, smirking.

You laugh, "As if anyone wants to dance with me"

"Are you kidding? You look smoking, I don't know who wouldn't want to dance with you" Ginny says, smiling.

"Thanks guys" you say, pulling all three of them into a big hug.

"Alright, let's go have some fun" Taylor says, moving towards the door.

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up" you say.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asks.

"Yup, go ahead"

"Ok then, we'll see you down there" Ginny says, walking out the door with the other two.

The door closes and you walk over to the mirror.

~This is it. This is my time to shine. Nothing's going to ruin it. Nothing. I won't let it.~ you say, holding your head high.

You leave your dorm and walk up the stairs towards the Great Hall.

You see a few people lingering outside the door, they look up and stare at you for a moment.

~Oh no, did I forget something?~
~Does the dress look bad?~

You're hesitant to enter but decide you have to.

You take a deep breath and slowly walk in, your silver heels slightly tapping on the ground.

A few people look up from what they're doing and begin to whisper. You feel like everyone is looking at you.

~I must have forgotten something~ you think, looking down at your dress.

"Wow, you look great" you hear someone say.

You look up and see Luna and Neville standing in front of you.

"Thanks, you too" you answer Luna.

"Well, we better be going, I suspect the Nargles will be here soon" Luna says, grabbing Neville's hand and skipping away.

"H-Have a good night" Neville says, as he's dragged away by Luna.

You see your friends over at one of the tables in the corner and walk over.

"Hi guys" you say, trying not to stare at Fred and Angelina.

"So, who's ready to dance?" Taylor says, shimmying.

George laughs and drags her to the dance floor as everyone follows. Everyone starts jumping up and down and dancing to the beat.

~Going alone isn't so bad~ you think to yourself.

That is, until a slow song comes on.

Everyone grabs they're date and begins swaying back and forth; enjoying the calm song.

You stand alone, in the middle of the dance floor. You're not sure what to do.

Suddenly, you feel a small tap on your shoulder, you turn around and slightly frown when you see who it is.

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