Seeing Stars

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Authors Note: Ahhhh, sorry this took so long guys I was really busy with school. Anyways hope you enjoy.
⚠️spice warning ⚠️
~I completely forgot about Angelina!~ you think again.

You quickly pull your lips away from Fred's, and try to push him away, but his grip on your waist is too strong.

"What's wrong?" Fred says, looking at you in confusion. "Too much for you to handle, huh?" he adds, giving you a smirk.

"No, idiot" you say, hitting his arm. "Angelina"

"What about her?"

"Well, she's kind of your date"

"It's alright, she already knows"

"Knows what?" you say in shock. "That you came out here to make out with me?"

"Well I was planning on doing a little more than that" Fred says, with a sly grin.

"Would you stop it" you say, hitting his arm again, except this time with a small chuckle.
"I'm serious, that's kind of a jerk move Fred" you say, getting serious again.

"l/n, first of all, she's just a date, it's not like she's my girlfriend, second—" His face turns a light shade of red, "—You remember when I went back inside?"

You nod your head.

"Well, I wanted to kiss you before that, but you know, I thought it would be an asshole move to, you know, not tell Angelina how I felt" Fred says, stumbling over his words.

"And how do you feel?" you ask, blushing a little.

"Well, I'm out here with you aren't I?" He says, grinning.

"I guess so" you say, smiling back. "Is Angelina okay?"

"Yeah, she seemed better than okay, kind of relieved? It was weird, anyways she was dancing with some other guy before I even told her"

"Oh, that's odd" you say.

You both pause for a moment.

"So do you want to continue, or are you going to so rudely interrupt like you did before?" Fred interjects, with a smug look on his face.

"Shut up" you say, reaching your hand out to shove his shoulder.

But just as you're about to hit his arm, he catches your hand and pins you back up against the wall.

Fred leans in, his lips inches away from your ear; sending chills down your neck.

"Don't get too cheeky, l/n" he says, his voice lower than before.

Everything feels right; right except for one thing.

"Say my name"


"Say my name" you repeat yourself.

"I just did" Fred chuckles, a little confused.

"No, my real name"

"You mean, y/n?"

You're surprised when you don't cringe at the sound of your own name. The way the letters tumbled out of his lips; the way the sound reverberated off his vocal chords; the way his mouth curled at the end when the last syllable hit his tongue. It was perfect.

"Yeah" you whisper. "say it again"


He begins kissing down your neck.


He moves up your neck closer to your lips.


Say My Name (Fred x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now