Gobbles In The Closet

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Kat here! First chapter is up and running.

Warning; may cause tears, laughs and milk skirting out of nose.


Gobbles didn't like this one bit. He didn't like the dark, didn't like the confinement, and especially didn't like the smell.

"Gobbles hates this, Gobbles wants to go home." The small creature mumbled, as he hobbled over the lumps. "What's this? Why this smell so....blech?!" He exclaimed, picking up a shoe, sniffing it, and chucking it against the wall. Of course, he didn't know that it smelled so awful. All he thought was that the shoe WAS NOT yummy. "GOBBLES WANTS OUT!" The grayish blue creature wailed stomping and pounding on the walls surrounding him.

That's when Mey Mey woke up with a start from the sound of the shoe hitting then wall. She turned her head from side to side, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

"I'm not crazy." She said aloud firmly. "I'm not." Her eyes zone in on the closet and her heart starts to race. "I know your there! Come out!" She says, he voice wavering slightly.

"No! Gobbles won't. You come ins!" A small shrill voice answered her, for some reason adding a "s" at the end of in.

Her heart was pounding. Something was really in her closet. This wasn't a nightmare. Should she call her mom, dad? No, they won't believe her.

"GOBBLES NEED HELPS!" The voice screeched. "Where is Gobbles?"

Mey Mey winced at the noise, surely her mother would here it and come running. Any minute now she'd appear in the doorway. But no, alas, her mother slept on. How? The question still came back to Mey Mey every time she thought of this night, the night she met Gobbles.


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