Chapter 3: Earth & Shadows

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Lunch came around and my eyes were searching for the raven head. I usually sat alone at lunch but Silas decided to sit with me today. We were on the far side of the cafeteria and he wanted to show me something.

"You know how the ninja have elemental powers?" He asked. I nodded. "They're becoming a little more common as the years go by. Elemental masters marry and can sometimes create new powers within their children." I added. "What about them though?"

"I'm one. I've got an elemental power. And I've been trying to control it since I found out." Silas stated. He demonstrates by holding his hand out and a dark cloud gradually formed in his hand. "I have a form of darkness. Its technically dark smoke/clouds, but I have fun with it. Watch me turn off the cafeteria lights." He said. I did and when each light was snuffed out, students started to panic.

Cole POV

My friends and I were sitting at our usual table, talking about our morning classes. "You should've seen how tired my teacher was. She was nodding off while teaching today's lesson." Nya exclaimed. "Perhaps she has been staying up late grading? Most teachers will work into the night and neglect their need for rest. It always bites them in the end." Zane stated.

I chuckled before hearing yelps and worried voices in the cafeteria. The six of us glanced around and watched as each light in the cafeteria flickered off by a tiny black cloud trail. "You guys think it's a villain?" Kai asked. I gaze towards a corner of the cafeteria and saw Y/n with a boy. And what caught my attention was that he had the dark clouds in his hands.

"I don't think its a villain. More like someone showing off their powers." I stated. Pointing in Y/n's direction, we got up and started towards that side of the cafeteria. As well walked over, the lights came back as Y/n and the boy noticed us. They ran. "They're getting away! Hurry!" Lloyd hissed.


What started as a fun demonstration and joke to the school, turned into Silas and I trying to hide. Cole and his friends saw us. They know about Silas' powers. "How much do you think they saw?" He asked. "Probably everything. We need to hide before they catch up." I stated, sprinting with my cousin in tow.

The sound of footsteps behind us made me tense up and trying to run faster. I snuck a quick look behind us and saw the six hot on our tails.

"I can slow them down. Just round this corner and I'll work my magic." Silas stated. I nodded as we continued to run until we reached the turn. Upon turning, Silas releases a huge cloud of darkness behind us and I could hear them coughing. Glancing towards Silas, he was grinning. We make our escape into the courtyard and split up.

I decided to head towards my locker since lunch was technically over in a few minutes. Jogging up and opening it, I pull out my water and chug it down. 'I know I want to be near Cole but, not when he and his friends chase Silas and I.' I thought.

"Where'd he go?" A voice asked behind me.

I slammed my locker shut and swiftly spun around. I was met with chocolate brown eyes and raven hair.

"Cole. I- uh, Silas had to get to class. My cousin didn't do anything wrong!" I quickly stated. Watching his face, he stared at me in content. "I'm not accusing him of doing anything. My friends and I were just curious because everyone in the cafeteria was freaking out over the lights. If he's going to do something like that, he should do it where he won't cause mass panic." Cole explained.

I nodded as he left. My heart was racing and I felt bad. Silas was only showing off and now Cole might not like me. I groaned as I heard the bell ring.

Heading to the rest of my classes, I didn't really know how to feel happy after Cole had spoken to me. My head was spinning, making me feel sick. I ended up trying to rest to stop thinking about what happened. But with my nonstop thoughts on Cole, I wasn't able to focus at all.

School ends finally and I sprint out of the school so fast, I almost knocked people over. Especially when I flew past Charlie and Chen in my escape.

"Watch where you're going, Mirror!" Chen growled.

I ignored him and tried to get as far as I could. I just wanted to run. With no destination in mind, I just ran until I smacked right into someone.

I nearly hit my head on the ground had the person not caught me. "You okay?" A male voice asked. I glanced up and my eyes widened as I was staring at the Earth Ninja.

I fumbled in my thoughts, trying to come up with a coherent sentence. "Yeah. Peachy." I replied, letting him help me up. Earth chuckled as he looked towards the sky. "Doesn't sound like it. Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

I sighed, staring at the ground. "I might've made someone mad at me. All because my cousin was showing off to me." I mumbled. His mask moves, making me wonder if he's frowning or not.

"I'm sure whoever it is was only worried about everyone around them. People are easily spooked these days. Especially when Ninjago City is attacked so often. Maybe you should find a way to get on their good side." Earth suggested.

"But I haven't known them for that long. And the only thing I've noticed in class is that music is their favorite thing to listen to." I state. "Then why don't you talk to them? Or anyone who knows them?" Earth asked. I shrugged.

"I only have one class with one of their friends. But I don't think it'll come across the way I want it to." I frowned. Before Earth could say anything else, screams of joy grew louder as fangirls were heading towards us. The Earth Ninja salutes as he summons his dragon and flew off. I slid into a nearby alleyway and sighed in relief.

'Not in the mood for ninja fans.' I thought, eyes darting around.

I considered what Earth and I had talked about. Maybe Lloyd could help me out? But then people will be curious as to why I was 'associating' myself with the son of Lord Garmadon. Who, by the way, is good now. But the city's prejudice and old habits aren't dying any time soon.

Especially when people despise me because they don't know that my parents are the very famous business couple in Ninjago. Rejects like me look down at those higher up, who think they're better than the rest of society. Sure, I was raised by a crook who was also a freelancing bounty hunter. But at least I could see them for who they really were: snobs and stuck ups.

I made my way back towards my Aunt Reyla's house after an hour or so. Silas was waiting for me on the porch and he had a worried expression plastered on his face. "Hey." I called out.

"I've been wondering where you were. I had to walk home without you because you disappeared. Where'd you go after school?" He asked. "I had a lot on my mind. Today's been eventful and I just need to sleep right now. I'll skip dinner tonight. Night Silas." I stated, heading inside and to my current room. I yawned as I curled under my covers and fell asleep, thinking about Cole and the Earth Ninja.

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