Jin~The jacket(1/2)

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~It was a Saturday afternoon. It was quite pleasant not too hot. It was quite cold actually. But the only unpleasant thing about this very afternoon was my mind. I lay there on my bed. I looked over at my watch. It read 3.00pm. 1 more hour till quite possibly the most dreaded moment of my life ~

~I would've never thought that this is what it would've come to. Me being me, I had imagined my whole life with him, Kim Seokjin, the moment I kissed him~

-----------Flashback: 6 months ago-----------

Park Y/N: Oh c'mon eonni, I can't wear those heels, they're like 4 inches high!!

Park Min-Young: Aigo you're 5'5" I can't do anything.

~Aish sometimes I really hate being short ~

Park Y/N: Okay fine if you insist. I guess since I am wearing this ridiculous dress I guess I can go the extra mile and wear the heels to complete the look.

Park Min-Young: Yaaa the dress is not ridiculous it looks great on you. And the heels do complete the look.

Park Y/N: I guess...

~I looked at myself in the mirror as I put on my silver mask getting ready for my end of the year masquerade ball hosted by my university. I was quite surprised by how decent I actually looked. ~


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--------TIME SKIP TO THE BALL--------

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--------TIME SKIP TO THE BALL--------

~I watched as my older sister went over to take pictures with her classmates while I stood in the corner by the buffet table. Who needs a guy when you can have food hehe :) ~

~I was debating whether or not to reach over and grab the last donut left when I saw another hand fly down and grab the donut right before I could. ~

Park Y/N: Aishh that was mine!

~ Yes when it comes to food I ain't nice~

???: Oops too slow.

~ I looked up to see him. His intense glare fixed on me while biting down on the donut in front of me. In other cases I would be focused on the donut in between his lips, but now all I could focus on was his eyes. The fact that he wasn't wearing a mask made it even harder to look away. That intense glare that he was giving me and the single flick of his ebony black hair that dangled across his forehead. ~

Park Y/N: u-uhh-uhhmm-mm

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Park Y/N: u-uhh-uhhmm-mm..

Kim Seokjin: It's okay, I know I am worldwide handsome but jeez...

Park Y/N: h-huh?

Kim Seokjin: Hi, I'm Jin.

~There was something soothing and friendly about his voice ~

Park Y/N: O-oh hi, I-I'm P-Park Y/N.

Kim Seokjin: Your name is P-Park Y/N?

~He said mocking me shining his pearly whites at me ~

Park Y/N: No- just-

~I stuttered ~

Kim Seokjin: Aishh I'm just messing with you.

~The next thing that came out of his mouth sounded like a wind shield wiper until I realized it was just him laughing~

Kim Seokjin: Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine?

Park Y/N: Huh?

Kim Seokjin: Cuz you're a snacc!!

~And there it was again, that laugh ~

Park Y/N: Aishh

~Why was I blushing? ~

Kim Seokjin: Are you in any way related to Park Min-Young?

Park Y/N: Yeah she's my older sister. Do you know her?

Kim Seokjin: Yeah pretty well actually, she's in my class.

Park Y/N: Oh...

~An awkward silence followed but luckily didn't last too long ~

Park Min-Young: Y/N-oh there you ar-oh hi Jin.

Kim Seokjin: Hi

Park Min-Young: Oh oops looks like I interrupted something... I'm gonna go now...

Park Y/N: No no please stay please.

~We all began talking and it seemed as though eonni and Jin knew each other more than I thought I did. We continued our conversation for what seemed like the whole night but soon it was time to go home ~

~We were out by the entrance just about ready to leave ~

Park Min-Young: You wait right here Y/N I'm going to go back around and get the car upfront.

Park Y/N: Sure.

~I just stared into the beautiful night sky standing alone. I felt a shiver down my spine as a gust of cold wind blew against my bare shoulders. But soon the shivering suddenly stopped as I felt a soft cloth wrap itself around my shoulders ~

Kim Seokjin: What are you doing here alone?

Park Y/N: Oh I'm waiting for eonnie to bring the car here. You really didn't have to give me your jacket by the way.

Kim Seokjin: I know I don't need to.

~He sighed ~

Kim Seokjin: I want to.

~I don't know whether it was that jacket, or the way he said it to me or whether his laugh had grown on me, but I started getting a weird feeling in the back of my stomach and I could feel my cheeks heating up. But then he said something that took my breath away ~

Kim Seokjin: Do you think Park Min-Young likes me?


𝙱𝚃𝚂 × 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 (𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜) ✓Where stories live. Discover now