Chapter 5

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I leave Rosie with rolling eyes and jump over my shorts, bringing them over my hips and make a straight line to the door.

The doorbell rings as I open the door. "Hi" I say to the delivery lady.

"Oh-my" she stares at my shorts, I look down and quickly hide my lower half behind the door, my erection had yet to subdue. "I just need you to sign here."

She looks at me awkwardly while I sign the digital pad. I don't know this for sure, but I just sense it as I sign. "Have a nice day." She says quickly.

"You too, bye" I wait until she hops on the truck and takes off. When she's out of sight, I look over at the box. It is large, very large. The same dimension as a refrigerator, long ways. I scratch my head, pondering how the hell the delivery lady managed to carry it up the door steps. Must have had a dolly. I push the tall box, and kick it through the threshold. From there, I push it to the center of the living room.

What did this woman buy?

Rosie walks down the steps holding onto the rail, her hair pasted on her sweaty forehead. "That was fun, Leo." She comments and her eyes are back where they are supposed to be.

"What's in this box?"

"I told you silly, sex toys!" She raises her hands and starts hopping with excitement.

"Why is it so heavy?"

"Because, I ordered lots and lots of things." I look at her and nod as if I understand the reason for the weight now. She strides towards me and slaps my shorts where my penis still bulges. I grab her, turn her around and smack her ass, causing it to jiggle tightly.

"Oooh. Leo, I like that, do it again, come on. Come on, just slap me again."

"No." I say abruptly, "because then, I can't tease you, can I?"

She looks to have a sudden thought come to her, "Leo, were you paying attention when you were fucking me?" Her thought changes abruptly.

"Yeah, why?" I say confused.

"How much of your cock did you put inside me?" She bites her index finger waiting for my response.

"I don't know... about half, I would say."

"Hmmm... next time, I want you to put the whole thing inside me. I don't care how much I scream or how much I move. Put the whole cock in me. Even if my squirm away, you better push that thing right on into me, until every inch is inside."

"Are you giving me commands?— and anyways, I don't think your pussy would allow me to. It's really tight and I could literally feel the end of you."

"I think my small pussy can handle it, and why did you not want to play anymore? Sometimes it's better to wait than to rush into things, Leo" she pouts. "It's not about the sex, it's about the game that takes you to the sex that counts."

"Should we open this box?" I raise an eyebrow at her. Turning around the question.

"I think we should take the box downstairs. Your dad never ventures down there; it'll be easy to hide the stuff. It can be our own little sex dungeon. And if he does find it, I'll just say that it was a surprise for him and that I was setting it up for a perfect time to use." She guffaws at the sudden thought.

"You're crazy. You know that right? Help me take the box downstairs." We both stoop over on either side, lifting the box.

I don't know why my dad never comes down here, there's a TV that's never used, not even plugged in, a white leather couch, and carpeted flooring. The walls are bare and the room is quiet enough to work without distractions.

We set the box in the middle of the massive basement. She opens the box by way of cutting the thin tape with her nail.

Rosie starts passing things to me. The first one, RED TANTRIC SATIN PLEASURE WHIP, it has a red and black handle with leathery strips. The second named, FRISKY FEATHER DUSTER, it shows a picture of the feathers over a woman's vagina. She hands me a box with bold red letters, "BONDAGE SEDUCTION GAME." I read vocally.

"You're going to like that one." She smiles. Another box, this one, with a spinning sex swing depiction, the lady in the picture hangs midair with her legs spread. Yet another box, with a large inflatable bed made full of plastic, like a beach ball.

Many more miscellaneous items, like lubricant get switched from hand to hand, and finally the largest box. A picture on the box displays a woman attached to a spinning circular plank, bolt upright, where she can be adjusted to any position while restrained. Kind of like the wheel of fortune, only this is more explicit. I look at her quizzically.

"That's one's fun too, Leo" she says. Trying to ease my doubts.

Roughly three hours later, we finish setting everything up. The swing set hung. The spinning hostage thing stands at one corner, and the inflatable bed beside it. All the other items organized on the Red Rack of Sex. That's what she called it.

My phone starts ringing; I look at the screen "Its dad." I say to Rosie.

"Answer it."

"Hello... yeah... yup... Okay, that sounds good. She's just cooking dinner.... Alright, bye."

"Apparently, he didn't have as much work as he thought. He's on his way." I say.

"I'll get started on the food."

At the foot of the steps, I turn, and look back at the toys we put together. I smile, and switch the basement light off before rushing to catch up to Rosie and lightly slapping her rear end.  

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