Chapter 6

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I wake up the annoyance of my alarm. I tap it off with a lethargic hand, and go back to sleep, neck snuggled deep into my warm pillow.

When I wake up again, the smell of crispy bacon and coffee float thickly in the air. Yesterday night, we had a full game of Monopoly, and again, my dad let me have a drink, but only the one. I want breakfast, but a shower is also calling my name. I need these sleepy eyes to wake the hell up.

Once I'm fully clean and fresh shaven, I head downstairs taking the steps two at a time, jumping the final four. I walk to the dining table, take seat, and start filling a cup with Florida orange juice. The pulp is noticeable and I can tell it'll be a good day.

I start digging into the plate. I guess I was starved as Rosie and dad look at me like I'm some type of wild beast-creature. Or perhaps they are mad that I didn't even say good morning. But man, I'm hungry.

"Would you like some more." Rosie asks.


She grabs my plate and serves me. My little wench.

I eat slowly this time. Rosie can cook, and that's a damn fact. I don't what secret recipe she put in this, but it's doing a hell of a job in my stomach.

A few minutes later, dad starts wiping his mouth, tossing the napkin on the plate and grabs his keys and suitcase off the couch, "See you guys later."

"Bye, dad."

Rosie waves while wiping dregs of biscuit off her mouth.

Rosie and I finish the rest of our food in silence. Today, she decides to throw the dishes in the dishwasher.

Her red summer dress is beautiful against her tan skin. On her feet she wears a pair of exotic sandals, golden, and red nail polish on her toes.

"You look good."

"Thank you, and you look handsome as always. You need to dry your hair a little better. End up getting sick."

I could feel my cheeks blushing, why does she drive me crazy. She's hot and caring all at once.

"I have a full tummy, and I'm Horny" Rosie says, lifting up her dress, showing me her pussy, and then releases the dress. Just knowing that she has no panties drives me insane.

"I guess we should head to the dungeon." I shrug.


She unlocks the buckles on her sandals and slips them off. "So, what do you want to use on me?"

"What's the bed for?" The inflatable bed, transparent, made of soft plastic like a beachball, sits centered around the other playthings.

"It's used to have slippery sex."

I think about our bodies fully lubed, slipping and sliding against each other. My slippery cock rubbing all over her slender body. I need it. "I think I want to do that" As I point to the bed. She looks at me hesitantly, as if she wanted to use something else.

"Alrighty." She says with a sincere smile. She grabs a bottle of lubricant, opens the pink cap with a plop and starts squirting the plastic bed. She stands on the bed, and makes a start to take her dress off.

"—Wait! I want to take that off." I say to Rosie. She lets go of the dress. At the bottom of her dress, I place my thumbs over the hem, my hands on her warm thighs. Slowly, I work her dress, feeling her meaty thighs as I move upward. Her flesh is hot as if she were the daughter of Lucifer.

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