Part Thirty-Two

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I leaped from my chair with the other members of the audience and applauded wildly. Although I wasn’t overly familiar with the story, I had become immersed in the story that they were portraying. It had been magnificent to clutch Mr Blackbourne’s arm and cry when the actor’s cried, laughed when they had laughed and rejoiced over the spectacular ending.

I looked to the left and grinned broadly at the wonderful man next to me as he celebrated the finish with a much more restrained pleasure.

I leant in closer so that I could whisper in his ear, “That was fabulous.”

He grasped the back of my neck and swallowed my gasp of surprise. It was a quick, aggressive kiss that left me staring up in him astonishment while I panted, “What?” I breathed.

He threw back his head and laughed, “I’ve wanted to do that numerous times throughout the performance and couldn’t resist.”

I pushed a hand to my burning cheek and pouted at him for making me feel so frazzled.

As the crowds began to shuffle from their aisles, I grabbed Mr Blackbourne’s hand and allowed us both to get swept away.

I was still breathing in the life and atmosphere of the theatre and wished for one moment that my date had chosen to do something that lasted longer. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to get home to the others but as this was the first time in an intimate setting with Owen, I was loathe to see it end.

People poured from the mouth of the building and I giggled of the thought that it was like being spat out. I was on a high and my body just wanted to move and never stop; was it the night out with Mr Blackbourne, the lingering effects of the performance or the fact that I was still reeling from the utter relief as I realised that I wasn’t going to have to lose any of my family since they seemed to want to make our lives together in the same way that I did.

We moved to the side and I clasped tighter at Owen’s hand, just watching the energy of the people as they released every pent up emotion that had overcome them while we had been inside.

I looked up at the stars hiding behind the glaring blaze of the city lights, “I don’t want this moment to end.”

My hand was released a second before strong arms wrapped me into a firm chest, “Breaking my own rule; will you stay out with me for a little longer?” The words were a soft whisper in my ear and I shivered.

I pushed in closer, savouring the warmth, “That would be lovely. Is it wrong that I want nothing more than to stay with you but I also miss the others?”

I felt the shaking of his head, “It makes you beautiful…and ours.”

 I smiled in joy, “What should we do?”

He moved to my side and began to lead me away from the car; the lights of the strip fascinated me as I saw how vibrant and alive the city really was even at this time of night.

Finally, with the wind beginning to tangle to skirt of my dress, we came to a fountain where, as the water shot into the air, lights merged through water and created a rainbow. In a small corner of the bricked courtyard, a two man band filled the space with the swelling sounds of jazz music.

We spent precious moments just taking in the view when I felt the grip on my hand change as Mr Blackbourne stepped around and to the front of me. He gave a small bow and softly kissed my knuckles, “May I have this dance?”

My breath caught and I touched a curl resting on my cheek, “Of course,” I whispered, softly placing a hand onto his shoulder as I felt his strong fingers come to rest at the top of my waist.

I didn’t have much experience in dancing this way but as my heart beat to the sound of a saxophone, I handed myself over to Owen and allowed him to lead over the cobbled ground.

Nothing had ever seemed as magical as looking into the face of my precious boys and knowing that I was loved by him.

The stars began to shine brighter as the sense of night deepened and time passed; I knew that we would have to leave soon since the other boys would begin to worry and I wanted to savour every second that I could before my world reverted and Owen once again became the untouchable Mr Blackbourne.

How was I going to let go of this? Even for a moment?

Breath warmed the curve of my ear before lips began to drag across the arch of my cheek. I tried to concentrate on my footing but as he slowly moved closer to my mouth, I got impatient. I released my hold on his body and speared my fingers into his hair, dragging him to meet me.

I kissed him with as much passion as I was able to muster; my blood pumped hotly through my veins and I refused to let the both of us escape even when a lack of air intruded.

It was only when the music finally stopped and his arms tightened to secure me as my back arched into a dip, that I separated my mouth from his. My mind span and the lights from the fountain danced even brightly; it was perfect, it was everything.

“I’m afraid that my brothers are beginning to grow impatient. I would say that I have no less than 16 missed calls and 30 messages,” Owen grumbled, drawing me gracefully back to my feet and tucking me into his warm chest.

“It’s time then,” I replied, somewhat disappointed by how quickly time had slipped by.

“Yes,” he answered, beginning to lead the way back to the car, “It is time.”

Sitting back in the car, I rested my head against the chair and closed my eyes to the sounds of Owen on the phone with Sean; the last sound that registered was my own giggled when they continued to grumble at one another.

“Ssh, Miss Sorenson, I will put you to bed,” Mr Blackbourne’s voice soothed my startled nerves as I felt him carry me from the car.

“Please stay with me,” I whispered back, snuggling closer.

Lips pressed to my forehead, “Always.”

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