Part Fifteen: -A-

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North finished the last of the dishes with a sigh and closed the cupboards. He couldn’t seem to stop smiling as he moved about.

It had absolutely been one of the best nights of his life as his little Sang Baby had brazenly licked chocolate sauce from his mouth.

Oh, he knew that she had shocked herself but the fact that she had had the courage to do it in the first place…that she had wanted to do something like with him.

He grinned wickedly, he had broken their rule about not making the first move but it had seemed natural and right. She may have not known what she had been seeking but one look in her eyes and he had been able to see it. Want and need.

No kiss before it could even begin to compare and he had found himself having a girl moment, wanting to sigh over the beauty of it.

He shook his head and opened the fridge to grab a beer. He knew that Sang wouldn’t approve of any of them drinking but it was a rare moment when he could do it as a bonding tool rather than an escape.

Lack of noise coming from inside the house led him straight outside and he looked over them all as he stepped outside. His idiot big brother was wrestling with Gabriel, Dr Green and Silas in the spa while the others all lounged back in chairs around it.

They all stopped to greet him but he was too busy looking around with a frown, “Where is Sang?” He asked, lowering the bottle to rest against his thigh.

The boys all fell silent and straightened abruptly as they registered his question.

“Oy, what the fuck do you mean?” Gabe asked, pulling himself to his feet.

North shook his head and turned to walk back into the house but the sound of Mr Blackbourne’s voice had him stopping.

“Mr Taylor, what is going on? Where is Miss Sorenson?”

He whipped around, “I told her to come out and find you about half an hour ago. I was cleaning up your mess in the kitchen. I thought she’d be out here with you lot.”

Everyone rose to their feet and a sense of panic shook them, “She sure as hell never came out here,” Nathan growled, pushing past North and into the house to begin his search of Peanut.

God, surely she hadn’t managed to sneak off or get herself into some other kind of trouble on their goddamn holiday?!

The others rushed inside as well, not remotely concerned with the fact that water was staining the carpet from their soaked shorts.

“The most logical place to check would be her room,” Kota contributed, shoving against Silas as they all tried to run their way up the stairs.

Gabe was the first to reach her door but Mr Blackbourne’s voice cracked in the silence, “Stop, we are not all going to smash through her door. You will all calmly enter the room in case she is preoccupied,” he held up his hand, “and there will be no yelling.”

Fists clenched and they all held their breath as the door slowly opened inward and they were able to peer inside the bedroom.

“She’s not there,” one of them worried but Sean held a finger to his lips and pointed at the bed where, if they squinted, they could make out a small lump.

They crept to the bedside and spent a few silent moments looking down on her sleeping form; she was still for the moment but the majority of them knew from experience that she would begin to toss and turn as she realised that she was alone.

“She really is an angel,” Silas whispered, fighting back the urge to run his fingers through her glowing hair.

“Everyone out now,” Mr Blackbourne ordered, his gaze caught on her delicate features. Such a beautiful sight.

“Why wouldn’t she come find us?” Gabe grumbled, slinking out and grimacing at the sight of the water dripping down his legs.

None of them had an answer. Each of them had assumed that she would immediately seek them out once she got back and their general feeling was hurt.

All of them could understand that she was exhausted but to not even slip out and say goodnight?

Any of them would have been happy to have her curl up in their lap while they continued to celebrate.

Bewildered, they all settled themselves back outside and sipped at their warm bottles of beer.

Their night of fun just wasn’t the same without Sang to share it.

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