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Chapter 4 Chaols POV

After weeks of travel Chaol and Dorian reached Orynth.

"Do you think she'll like the puppy?" Dorian asked. "I hope she likes her, I don't want to have to travel back with her."

"She'll love her. Why are you so anxious? You've known her your whole life. Just because you are betrothed now doesn't change anything."  Chaol stepped out of the carriage to make sure there weren't any dangers lurking near by. Then Dorian followed. 

"You know how she can get when she doesn't get her way. I know she won't hold any grudges toward me. But I don't like that this was forced upon us."

Aedion sauntered you to them. "Hello Prince, hello Captain. We weren't expecting you till later tonight. Aelin is in the forest right now with The King. She's..." Aedion hesitated, "she's, well you'll see her soon enough."

"Did she burn anything?" Chaol asked nonchalantly.

"Surprisingly not. I had to go find her though. Aelin was by the river. Since she ran out of the meeting with her parents." 

"Well I just lost some gold. When do you think she'll be back? I want to give her this." Dorian said holding up the puppy.

Aedion took the puppy while they walked to their rooms. "Hello there," the puppy wagged her tail back and forth." They've been out there all morning. So before dinner. Speaking of which I need to let everyone know you've arrived." Handing the puppy back, "I'll see you guys at dinner if not before." Aedion walked away.

"Well that went better than I thought it would. But I guess since Aedion is going to be blood sworn to Aelin he's making an effort this time around." Chaol observed. Every other time they were in Orynth Aedion tried his hardest to make the trip miserable.

Dorian nodded in agreement. "Let's get settled in before dinner."

A couple of hours later a someone knocks. Before Chaol or Dorian could respond. Aelin pops her head in" Hello Prince Dorian. Hello Captain." She smiles and hugs Dorian. "How is my betroth doing? How was the trip?" She looked over and saw the puppy "oh my gods, Dorian you didn't."

Dorian smiled "Shes is yours, I hope you like her. Would you like to take a walk with me? We can bring her to the gardens."

"Of course, Chaol would you like to accompany us? If not Aedion should be in the training room."

"I'll join Aedion. You two have some things to discuss." Chaol kissed Aelins hand as he left.

Chaol walked to the trading room but decided to go to the library instead. He needed some peace to think. He knew that Aelin was off limits. But he still couldn't help falling in love with her. He enjoyed coming to Terrasen every summer to see her. This whole plan just proved to him that he could never have her.

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