The Orphanage

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Crystal: so I have fallen a slave to the SnK/Attack on Titan fandom and so my obsession leads to an obvious fanfic idea to develop. This is my first fic on attack on titan so bear with me if I'm still not accurate in my character development and so I had a peculiar idea that developed after I read this manga, but I don't remember the name of it.

Warning: boyxboy relationships, women population extinction, cursing, lemons(aka smexy stuff), M-PREG, I repeat M-PREG (don't like don't read), genderbent females: mikasa, hanji, and petra

Rated: 'M' for the obvious reasons in the warning and for the romance


Side pairings: onesided male!MikasaxEren, ErwinxArmin, JeanxMarco, later on MikasaxOc

Title: The Tyrant of my Heart

The Apocalypse of Human Extinction


In the beginning, when humanity was at peace, it was normal for a man and a woman to have a family. There's was nothing unatural of the situation that you could see both genders coexist with each other. It was always like this for millions of years, that is until 'it' happened. A sudden unknown disease was discovered in a young woman. It seemed to have regular symptoms that of the common cold, but suddenly the coughing that came led to spurting out blood. Not to mention that the cells and tissues of the brain began to deteriorate until the disease reached the heart and the young woman died. The disease was scary enough, but many thought it to be a rare case and did not expect to see it again. That is, until, suddenly the nations went into havoc informing the sudden death of millions of women.

Men having strange immunity to the disease went into action trying to find a cure. As many more deaths were reported, the men were growing anxious going as far as auctioning by force the remaining healthy women and enslaving them for their own, but even then they could not save them. And after 2 decades the last surviving female gave her last breath symbolizing the full extinction of the female race. The men were anxious. How could they possibly continue to live without being able to reproduce. After a few years, a group of elites created a plan they called "Rebirth of Humanity". In order to keep their population from going extinct, the remaining male population was seperated into two groups;(1) the Shimas and the Heras.

The Shimas were the males that would undergo the rest of their lives to being 'females' in the relationship and were given a new drug called the "x" drug in order to develop female desirable characteristic and birthing abilities. The Heras were those males considered the strongest and most dominating in the relationship. Just like when women were living, the Heras took the Shimas' right to make decisions. The Heras were the ones in control, and the Shimas were forced into obedience. The Heras were wedded to Shimas and mated baring children successfully.

It was then that a monarchy was established and a group of officials from every region worked in the hospitals deciding which child would be a Hera, and which child needed the x-drug to be a Shima. And to this day that has been their system of balance.


The place was an orphanage. But ever since the beginning of the system for reconstruction, it was considered as more as an auction. Since their necessity was rebirth of humanity, they couldn't leave behind any orphans or else their goal would never be accomplished. Every time an orphan reached 12 he was put in auction where wealthy noble families bought them. One of thoese 12 year old orphans in particular was named Eren Jaeger and his parents were killed when he was just 5 years old.

Said boy was snoring lightly on the hard mattress that was his small bed. WIth ragedy brown covers ripped completely and soaked as a result of the storm and leaks from the ceiling. "Eren!" a voice boomed angrily. The boy jumped out of bed terrified to no extent. His turquiose eyes widened as he tried to straighten his long brown locks that reached his back. Eren in fact was a Shima and a very beautiful one for his age. Back to the, booming voice, it belonged to the head master of the orphanage who was tapping his foot impatiently with hands on his hips.

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