Chapter 5- Hazel

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The remainder of the story is taking place 4 years later! This means that Parker, Jack, and Hazel are 15, while Penny and Braylen are 14. Max is 8, and Lily is 7.

There I was. Out in the snow after my mother had cast me out. I didn't blame her. 

It had been the 7th attack of the month, and I wasn't exactly being nice to my mom. I didn't know what was attacking me. I didn't want to know, I just wanted it to stop.

I walked out into the middle of the road, trying to decide where to go. It was a hot and sunny August day, and I was sweating already. I had no money, no food, no clothes...

Then a car came down the street.

I live in a relatively open area without any neighbors. Ever since Belle died, nobody had wanted to live there. 

Still, I was a bit surprised when the minivan came flying down the street, obviously out of control. I dove to the side to avoid getting run over, and the car came to a stop. Out jumped three boys, a little girl trailing behind them.

"Oh my god!" A boy came rushing forward. He had dark skin and brown, curly hair that stuck out in odd places. "Are you okay?" He sat down next to me, clearly more concerned that I would call the cops than anything else.

I put my hand to my head. "I'm good."

The little girl stepped forward, looking like the boy from before. They must be siblings.

Her brown skin glowed in the sun and her curls were wound in a tight ponytail.

She looked down at me for a moment, then turned back to the others.

"Can we keep her?"


Soon enough, I was in the back of their car, each of us explaining our stories while Jack drove. 

Jack Hail was very tanned, with blue eyes and blonde hair that he simply swept to the side to get it out of the way. He had an athletic build, but then again, so did the rest of the boys there. 

Well, almost.

Braylen Lennon was the kid who ran forward to help me. He and his sister had hazel eyes, and they shined quite nicely in the sun. He was nice, and apparently, his stepmom and Lily's real mom was deemed "unfit" as a parent when they had almost died to some crazy event. That's how Braylen and his sister got stuck with Parker Brown.

Parker was a pale boy with brown eyes, brown, messy hair, and freckles. His mom had gone missing, and he really didn't want to go into foster care. When he found out, Parker, Lily, and Braylen all packed up and drove away, bringing Jack with them. They said a few things about some crazy attacks that they couldn't explain, but they didn't seem to want to go into detail.

I didn't want to push them. 

They were all pretty attractive, which I was grateful for.

Let's just say that if I was gonna be stuck with boys for the next forever, a few attractive ones couldn't hurt.

A realization hit me, "Is it even legal for you guys to be driving?!"

The car stopped abruptly, and we all flew forward.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! This was a pretty boring chapter, not much happened, sorry. The next chapter will be better. Are you excited? Penny will definitely get the storyline going with this one. 

                                                                                                                       -Catalina <3

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