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A/n: also- idk what Bravo Models is I just searched "Japan modeling agencies." So yea just bEAr WiTh mE OakY?

Third person POV - 

As Tristan left the office and went out the school gates, he saw his brother b/n standing near the gates waiting for his arrival. "So, what happened? Why was I called?" B/n asked calmly. "I got expelled...sorry." Tristan says sorrowfully.

B/n sighs. "It's alright..but your going to have to work extra hard at home...and no snacks." Tristan playful gasps. "What? Aw man..fine.." he pouted. B/n chuckled. "Come on, let's go." Tristan nods.

(Time skip brought to you by *enchanted table language*)

As the two arrived home, they both took off there shoes and went to their rooms. Tristan sighed knowing he'll have go to a completely different environment from his old school. He sighed again for about the 10th time. Later he went to shower and water his plants. 

After he was done. He plopped down onto his bed, scrolling through Instagram, bored. Then b/n yelled. "Hey! Tristan come down for dinner!" "Ok! Hold one." Tristan yelled back. As he walked down the stairs, he smelled something ✨noice✨. As he got down to the kitchen, he saw b/n finish cooking dinner. So he sat on a empty stool, waiting.....






Once b/n was finish, he put the plates and took a seat. They ate in silence, the food keeping them quiet. Once they finished they both but their dished in the sink for Tristan to wash. 

(Mini time skip~)

Once Tristan was done, he went back into his room to sleep. Even tho it was 8:19 p.m. but he was tired so it made sense...


The morning sky was a raise and the birds chirped to a happy tune. Luckily for Tristan, he was kinda a morning person. So he got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. After, he put on his new uniform.

It was nice, it looked like this ↓

After he was done, he put his bangs in a mini ponytail, just swinging around when he walks

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After he was done, he put his bangs in a mini ponytail, just swinging around when he walks. He then took his bag and headed down stairs. There he saw b/n sitting on the couch tying his shoe lace with formal clothes on. "Hey. Where are you going?" Tristan said calmly. B/n was a bit surprised by the sudden appearance of his younger brother. "Oh! Yes I'm going to Bravo Models. I'm signing up there." B/n said happily. Tristan nodded while putting in his shoes.

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