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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣  4

Tristan's POV -

. . .

Silence. . .


As the alarm went off, I turned it off and got up to go to the bathroom. After I was down, I put on my uniform. Ruffling my hair a bit, then taking a light blue rubber ban and tying my long bangs out of my face. After, I put my books, pencils, and my phone into my bag. The morning was peaceful. Until





Oh. I forgot B/n's still alive- anyways. "OKAY! IM COMING.." I yelled back. As I quickly grabbed my headphones, I put them on and ran down stairs. Only to see B/n waving goodbye and rushing out the door. Leaving me by myself, I sighed and quickly ate the piece of toast, after washing my hands and face once more. I put on my shoes and head out.

Quickly checking the time, 7:31a.m. Eh..I still have enough time, I'll just run. After naruto running my away to school, I quickly changed my shoes and headed to my first class. As I slide the door open, I again see a couple of students already at their seat. As I also go to my seat, I notice something different...was Daichi closer? Or was it just me..? Eh. Not like I care. . . .

As I play some aesthetic  music, I soon just wait for the teacher and sketch some (noodles) plants. Then I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. Looking to where the hand came from, I saw Daichi. Looking like a chad- I mean a young dad...wait what- NEVERmInd- 

"Hey L/N! I was wondering if you would like to come to the gym after school..?" He asked nicely. "U-uh-um. Sure! I'll come.." I answered. As the warmth began to raise in my cheeks because of my stuttering. 'Oof why must I do thattt!' I thought annoyed. As we walked to class, we began talking with each other about smol things(again lol). 


As the bell rung, I packed my bag and head outside of the school. Waiting for Daichi to arrive. Then a figure appeared in front of me, "Hey! L/N, glad you could make it! Come on." The figure now identified as Daichi said. I nodded, as we walked to the gym Daichi asked me something. "L/N?" "Yes?"I answered. "Do you like volleyball?" "Um...well, kind of.." I answered uneasily. 

After a few moments. We arrived at the gym, I could hear shoes squeaking and volleyballs bouncing. This made me excited, I haven't seen a volleyball match since I was expelled! As Daichi opened the doors, I froze.

















Wait what.






Was that really her?







Was that really K#49&o standing there? Alive..?




To Be Continued



Oof cliffhanger >:DD ANYWAYS- sorry I had to end it this way. I have to go to school, but hoped you enjoyed? Bai bai now :333

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