my happy pill [jeongin x gn!reader]

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summary: there's just those days where you feel empty, but your happy pill, in the form of your boyfriend, will be there to help you get through it!

a/n: based on a personal experience, but with a happier ending and a s/o i wish i had haha ^^


That empty feeling.

As if there was a hole in your body where your heart was supposed to be, but really, there was none.

Just out of the blue, you felt it.

There was no reason as to why you felt so upset, it was one of those moments where a sudden wave of sadness, one you couldn't describe how bad it hurt, had just appeared.

You were trying your best to stay optimistic, thinking about the positive things in life you were lucky to have, the best moments in your life that came to mind... but you didn't even feel anything.

Your job, your loving friends and family, your boyfriend, a nice apartment, a small but fully functioning car...

No positive emotions, nor a negative one had been felt.

It took you what usually took a few seconds, 40 minutes. Until you were able to drag yourself out of your warm bed.

To try and get your mind off of the blank - sometimes sad - feeling, you decided to make fruit milkshakes for you and your boyfriend, who would be home from practice in a few hours or so.

It was going extremely well, until you spilled the beverage when pouring it into the glass mason jars.

Luckily, that was the only issue at hand.

Sinking to your knees on the floor, you just blanked out.

You looked to the mess you made, only feeling the urge to throw the glasses to the floor and destroy.



"No, no..." Slowly getting up, you shook your head, and started to clean up your mess, even if it was at an extremely slow pace.

Placing the smoothies in the fridge gently, you closed the fridge door, dragging yourself to your bed once again.

Laying on your side in complete darkness, you stared at what was probably one of the walls, feeling numb.

However, what surprised you was the sound on your boyfriend opening the door.

"You're here early?" You mumbled out, Jeongin's expression shortly turning concerned at how broken you sounded.

"Yeah, I wanted to see you sooner."

He walked over to you, kneeling over to you and intertwining your hands, "Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?"

You nodded, "Please let me take my time."

Explaining how you felt to anyone, including yourself, took a bit of time. You weren't the best with words, memes were better at explaining how you felt, but Jeongin always understood.

You were so, so thankful for that.

Once you finished explaining, you choked a little, before sobbing uncontrollably.

You didn't make any sounds besides little sniffs, as your boyfriend rubbed your back.

"Can you wait a little for me? I need to go clean up, if you'd like to cuddle." Once seeing you nod, Jeongin placed a kiss on your forehead, before getting up to go quickly shower and change into pyjamas.

You silently sobbed, hiccuping every so often, but you became calmer by the time Jeongin came back.

Slipping into bed, he let you snuggle closer to him, arms wrapped around you to make you feel more at peace.

Falling asleep for 2 hours, you woke up cuddling the taller boy.

Love and adoration.

You felt those two emotions, and felt generally happier.

Staring at his face, you just adored him for the next few minutes.

Until he woke up.

"Feeling better now?" He asked, smiling when you nodded, "Way better."

Placing a peck on your lips, Jeongin lifted you up, carrying you and placing you on the kitchen counter.

"I saw the milkshakes you made, let's drink them!" Poking your cheeks, he grabbed out the drinks, placing straws on them.

Giving him a quick hug when he stood next to you, you giggled. "Thank you for being my happy pill."

"You always manage to cheer me up too, even if I don't want it." Jeongin rubbed his face into your neck, making you ticklish, "I should thank you too, for being my happy pill."

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