River Phoenix-guardian angel

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My pov
"A lot has changed since you left."i said to River Phoenix,yes you heard me right:I'm actually talking to River Phoenix.how?well apparently he's now my guardian angel,it's cool but...he's always asking me questions that I sometimes can't answer."How is everybody?"he asked me,"Well your sister Rain is continuing your band,I dunno what Summer and Liberty are doing...oh!your brother has a son!"i said."Joaquin has a son?"River asked me,I nodded.i took out my phone from my pocket and pulled out the article,"see?there aren't any photos yet but him and his wife have a baby boy now!"I explained to him.he was starstruck,"woah...what's his name?"he asked.

I looked at him,"River."I answered.he tilted his head in confusion,"what?"he asked."Joaquin named his son River."I answered again,tears formed in River's eyes."R-Really?"he asked,i nodded.he looked so emotional,he smiled.i gently hugged him as he began to sob,"I could've been an uncle..."I cried."it's ok...it's ok..."I reassured him,he looked at me he wiped his tears with his wings."I wish I could go see him."he said,"can't you technically do that?"I asked him."i...I think so,I'm new to all of this ok?"he replied,"ok,ok,it's ok."I reassured him again.

A short emotional but good oneshot am I right?

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