Caught in the act [SMUT]

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The night was still young, both boys covered with snowflakes and coats, laughing and shaking while trying to push through the door of George's apartment. That night they decided that playing in the cold snow was the best date plan ever, the two had a massive snowball fight that resulted in Dream getting a nose bleed and George getting frostbites.

The older boy locks the door, grabbing a tissue from the kitchen counter and shakily beginning to wipe at Dream's pink nose, both kept on giggling. The excitement of their first Christmas together plus their date was still pumping them up with adrenaline.

Dream chuckled, feeling his nose get more crushed as George tried to wipe the remaining blood off his skin, "Honey, I'm fine!"

"No, you're not!" George protested, sniffing quietly. His hands were numb but he felt guilty for hitting his boyfriend so hard in the face.

"George your hands are cold- ow!" Dream smirked closing his eyes and pulling George into a smaller kiss, lowering his hands by the forearms.

George smiled, before realising Dream's hands, feeling a shiver hit his spin as he pulled away to his boyfriend's dismay.

"Your hands are mad cold!" George yelled, walking towards the kitchen bin to throw out the tissue. The younger boy laughed, walking up behind him, slightly pushing him forward, George hummed, leaning into him.

"Lemme warms them up I saw this on tv." Dream tugged George's hands to his mouth blowing at them. George sighed, feeling hot air hit his hurting hands.

"Hm..." The British boy let his head fall back onto his boyfriend's shoulder, the pain of forest bites dissolving rapidly. Like melting an iceberg.

"Did it work?" Dream asked, looking up, the other nodded and turned around, reaching around his waist.

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem." The two boys stayed that way for what felt like minutes, starring up at each other, hair and clothes soaked with melted ice and snow, the sound of clothes wrinkling and muffled voices singing Christmas tones next door, the cold breeze fragrance that both of them smelled of right now. It was perfect. George felt like he had fallen in love all over again like this was the moment everything in his life had led up to.

He snuffled into Dream's open coat, resting his face in his sweater. "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Awe, okay." The taller boy replied, watching George walk away, "we watch a movie and cuddle after though?"

"Of course."

Dream sighed, beginning to pull off his clothes, going to George's room to steal some of his jumpers and joggers. He was thinking of a Christmas movie or something soft. He planned on falling asleep to George braiding his hair or just messing around with it, or maybe if he got lucky: put George to sleep by drawing circles on his stomach while spooning him on that pull-out bed couch of his. He sat down on the couch and propped his laptop on top of his knees, looking for the right movie.

"Hmph-" George pressed his mouth against the back of his hand harder, just managing to repress a moan, he was going crazy for this man, anything he did that showed any type of affection and he was exploding in every different type of emotion around.

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