- Chapter 1 -

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How did flying feel to a woman used to spending more hours up in the clouds than down on the ground? It felt like second nature. It felt as natural as breathing. Bianca Foxx felt about that exact way. Flying between appointments, cities, and nations made her feel empowered. It made her feel accomplished. It made her feel independent. Not that she didn't love her family nor her beloved home near Rome, Italy. On the contrary. It made her proud of it, and it made her value it all the more.

If anyone boarding a plane ever came across a perfectly dressed, perfectly poised, and perfectly elegant brunette sitting comfortably and calmly in the first class seat, it would most likely have been Bianca. And if she would have peered her eyes away from her laptop for just a split second, one would have been blown away by her irresistibly piercing abyss-deep brown eyes. Eyes that were most definitely hard to forget...

It was during one of those flights that Bianca took a rare moment to reminisc about the weekend that was behind her. It wasn't just any ordinary weekend. Never in a million years. She was flying back to Rome from Istanbul. From Turkey. From a quaint private wedding reception celebrating her uncle Kader's wedding to a woman that she found both fascinating and inspiring. Deb Storm was the kind of woman Bianca looked up to not only as a business woman, but as a woman first and foremost. Deb was a single mother and a successful enterprenuer. A woman who trusted her heart and took the greatest leap of fate. Why? Because Deb fell in love half way across the globe, and had the guts to move her entire life to Istanbul because she trusted Bianca's uncle to hold her hand for the rest of their lives.

Bianca used to believe in fairy tales. She used to believe in forever-afters. She used to believe in true love. But life proved to her that fairy tales didn't always end in happy endings...

As soon as Bianca thought those words, looking out the window overlooking a soft blanket of clouds, she waved a hand at herself, chuckled, and got back to her work. Who needed a man if she was perfectly happy without one? She was a successful business woman at the top of her game. She owned and operated a thriving and constantly evolving international agency specializing in moving companies with their entire databases from point A to point B around the globe, regardless of distance or continent. And she was the best in her field of operations. There was no question about it.

Opting for a home base near Rome, Italy, made it possible for her to hop on a plane and fly all across Europe, and even further if requested. It also allowed her to be near her family for most of the week since she only flew for work Monday through Wednesday. She didn't adjust her schedule to fit that of others, they adjusted to hers. And they did so because no one ever came near the level of expertise, professionalism, and online operations that she offered.

Since weekends belonged to her, she was more than happy to visit her uncle Kader. She had to admit that the wedding she witnessed was unforgettable. And just as intimate. One would never have realized that the small reception at her uncle Cengiz's lakeside restaurant was the candle-lit wedding reception site for Kader Gökyüzü and Deb Storm's nuptuals. But even though Kader was the father of Turkey's leading action actor Aslan, no celebrities nor papparazzi with unwanted camera lens was present. Just family, both Kader's and Deb's, and that was it.

Bianca took an immediate liking to her brand new aunt. And she couldn't wait for the newlyweds to visit her in Alberobello, in her grandmother's town.

But, for now, she had business to attend to. Because she extended her weekend trip and took Monday off, she was well aware how her Tuesday was going to look. Shaking her head about it wasn't going to change anything. Not one bit. But she already had a plan of action once her plane landed. She had her calendar filled, checked, and re-checked as usual. She would be able to dive right back to work the moment she arrived home.

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