Chapter 1: First Day of School

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Mike's POV:
I woke up the next day in my apartment after I caught a taxi to get to my place, I moved since I couldn't stay in the suburbs because I have too many memories of my family there. I went to the bathroom and got cleaned up, once I got cleaned up, I put on the Verizon uniform which kinda itched a little bit. Once I got dressed, I grabbed my bag and phone and left my apartment. "Oh, hello Mike. How are you today?" Ms. Mann asked, "I'm doing okay. I want to thank you for letting me get this apartment at a reasonable price." I said, "Oh, think nothing of it. Your mother helped me out more than you could know. How are you holding up?" she asked, "Doing better, but I prefer to be alone right now. I'll see you later Ms. Mann." I said as I left the building and walked to Verizon while listening to 'Home' by Vince Stables. I got to the school and sighed as I went to the office to get my schedule, I walked up to the desk and got the person's attention, "Hi, I'm Mike Riley. I'm supposed to pick up my school schedule here." I said, "Of course. Mike Riley, here we are. Your homeroom is on the third floor of the building. Room 331, have a nice first day of school." He said, "Thanks." I said as I walked out of the office and went to the building that I was told my class was at. Once I got there, I knocked on the door and the teacher opened the door to reveal the same teacher who I took the entrance test with. "Hello Mike." He said, "Hi Mr. Wells." I said and he understood that I wasn't going to talk for some time since I just lost my last remaining family. "Class this is Mike Riley, please be kind to him. He's been through a lot over the year. You can take a seat behind Mr. Morales." Mr. Wells said. I looked and saw Miles, I smiled and walked over to him. We bumped fists and I took my seat.

Miles's POV:
I was glad to see Mike in my homeroom, he's been through a lot. First, he lost his parents in a bank robbery, then both his aunt and uncle passed away from old age. I saw him take out his sketch book and opened up to him with a super suit fighting alongside Ghost Spider. 'He has a superhero crush on Gwen. I should keep that from Gwen for the time being.' I thought to myself since my next class was with Gwen and both of us were the Spider duo as people call us. After Peter died and I was bit by a radioactive spider Gwen has helped me learn how to use my powers. I also gained two additional powers that neither Gwen nor Peter have. I can camouflage to blend in with my surroundings and I have a Venom Shock that shocks my opponents when I place my hand on them. We continued with homeroom until the bell rung and I helped Mike find his next class, which just happened to be next to mine. "You holding up alright?" I asked, "I'm doing alright." Mike said as he just kept his head down and his headphones on as well. I sighed and nodded, "We'll meet up at lunch." I said, "No thanks, Miles. I just want to be alone right now." Mike said as he walked into his class and I went to mine as well.

Third person POV:
The school day went by as Mike kept to himself and would draw in his sketch book while listening to his music. Once the day was over Mike was going to his apartment when he heard honking and a car that was out of control nearly killed him. However, a white blur swung down and grabbed Mike and got him to safety. He looked up and saw his superhero crush, Ghost Spider. 


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