Kenyama pt 2.

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So as you know my brother had a... "problem" in the last chapter and I had to cut it short but I deleted it😓😓😓😓😓 so now I need to rewrite it all cause I can't remember what yams said last time also can y'all comment what yams natural hair colour is pls cause I'm very busy

(I'm just gonna say he's a greenette)

-kenma POV-Why does that greenette always make my heart beat fast and how come whenever I think of him my face feels warm and flushed.How does he make me feel so...Amazing.He makes me feel like I can do anything.Though we barely know each other I think I'm in love.And we have a practice match with them soon.How am I supposed to focus.Slowly me and the rest of Nekoma enter the gym were playing in and my eyes dart straight to the greenette who stole my heart.Ive mentioned this to kuroo many times when we were hanging out but all he can tell me is that I should confess.This morning I had told him how he makes me feel and that he should tell the team I'm sick so I didn't have to see him.He said no at first but when I said that I would stop playing games for a whole week and hang out with him he said alright but that it would be hard with out him.

-Yamaguchi POV-Ever since Kuroo told me about how Kenma likes me I've felt so nervous.Like I'm holding him back so today I told the team that I was sick and shouldn't play.Suga-san saw right through my lies and had a talk with me.He said that I can't always do this when I feel like this.But he understood me because he had done this so many times when he liked Daichi and he never wanted to work together  with him since he felt so awkward.But now look at them they're in a happy relationship and they don't have problems.I wish me and kenma were like that.So in the end I was allowed to be 'sick' but only for today.I plan on roaming this place because I know ever see the gyms and the sleeping places.I hope kenma does well in this game-not that I'm doubting my team just cheering for kenma as well.Ya know like how you-ah who am I kidding of course I want kenma to win even if that means we get beaten two times in a row but it doesn't matter at all.As long as both teams do their best.

-kenma POV-As I head to my room I spot that certain greenette walking around which is confusing because nobody mentioned he had a problem but then again everybody probably knows about my crush and doesn't want me to worry too much.I want to walk over to him but I hesitate and slowly back away embarrassed.I hope he didn't see me.Might as well head outside.I need some fresh air.I walk out quietly and start playing my switch.I have a new game that Shoyo gave me for my last birthday.Im so caught up in this new game that I don't notice a shadow looming over me. "RAH!"I hear and jump up in fear.I had always been scared loud noises. "AHH!"I scream and I face the person behind me.It's-It's just.......It's just Yamaguchi.Oh my gosh he scared me so freaking much.I look him straight in the eye and for a split second I see his face go red.He leans in and I think he's gonna kiss me with how close he is.Somehow everything turns into slow motion.Is this finally it.Will I finally get something to rub in kuroo's success Nope.Yamaguchi passes me and grabs the switch.Kenma you idiot (╹◡╹)

-Yams POV-hmmm that's sus(among us reference 😂😭)I saw kenma wondering around.Thats strange I don't Think he knows that I can see him though.I should take this to my advantage huh.I follow him outside, creep up behind him and "RAH!"I yell hoping for a funny reaction. "AHH!"he screams making me jump.I hope he's alright.It'd be horrible if I scared him too much.He turns around and stares at me-Oh wow!he has that new game I've been wanting to play.Oh I know I shouldn't but I just can't help myself I lean in letting a small blush creep into my face and then I grab the game "Whoa you got this one I haven't gotten time to play it yet wanna play together?" I hesitate but realise how much h This would help me get closer to him.I think I'm gonna do it.Yes I'm gonna do it.Im gonna confess

-Kenma POV-he's so amazing i think I'm gonna do it.Right now right here.Im gonna confess.

-nobody POV-the two love struck boys stare at each other in wonder.Everything was so quiet.The only thing you could hear was there hitching breathes.They looked each other in the eyes and "I love you!"
                       "I love you!"
They shout in unison earning relieved gazes from the other.The boys slowly leaned in and shared a tender kiss.That was the most amazing moment in their lives...

The end😗😙😘

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