Snowie the Snowman

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In a forest covered by snow, where no human being would tread, a white hand reached out to the sun and its owner with eyes made from sapphire and turquoise looked up to the sky, and ignored a wrestling match between two muscular one-eyed cyclops.

The child made from snow tilted his head and asked the sun, “Hello, do you remember me? Its me, Snowie!“

Snowie waited for the response of the sun, and continued to ignored the flying trees and boulders caused by the wrestling match.

He waved his hands to the sun and threw a snowball to the sky. “Hey! Can we be friends, Mr. Sun?”

Can’t he see me? Am I too small for him to see?

Snowie ran around the forest to catch its attention. But his antics only caught the frosty glare of the two wrestlers.

“Hello! “ he shouted. “I’m here!“ Snowie looked around and saw the two cyclops standing their ground while they try to push one another.

He sprinted towards the back of the cyclops and climbed its back.

Will the Sun notice me if I call for him on top of this giant baldy?

The desperate snowman reached the head and shouted to the sun, “Hey! Its me, Snowie! Can I be your friend, Mr. Sun? “

He screamed with all his strength, but nothing changed. The fiery orange ball continued to share its warmth throughout the world, while it ignored Snowie.

Still nothing… do I look for a higher place? Or do I give up? No! Snowie think! Think! Argh! How can I think when these two baldies are so loud?! Don’t they even know that all of us only have five days to live before our deadline.

Snowie turned around and stomped the head of the cyclops, “Stop growling! I can’t make friends because of your growls!“

Before Snowie could look back to the sun, the cyclops flicked him, and flew like a snowball to the sky.

Eh? Why am I flying?

Snowie tried to turn his head, but realized he does not have any control over his head while it twirled around in midair.

Ah! Why can’t I turn my head?! Wait… are those my body and legs?!

His body flapped its hands while it soared through the sky, and the legs kicked the air non-stop.

Unable to control the situation, Snowie could only scream his frustrations, while he flew like a cannonball that tore a hole in the clouds.
“I’m—coming—No! —I’m—melting! “

I can’t die! Not yet! Not this time! I still need to befriend him… and know his secret… but how?

As a blessing to his life, and a curse to his wish, Snowie didn’t reach the sun. Instead he dropped back to land where it can only get cold, colder, and coldest every winter.

I guess meeting him is not yet possible, how am I supp—wait…why is there a hole there? And why are we falling there?! Body, do something!

Without any control, Snowie fell inside a dark hole and landed headfirst inside a pile of snow.

He ate his way out of the snow and looked around the dark cave illuminated by blue crystals.

“Body, where are you? Come over here.” Snowie whispered.

Snowie’s body jumped out from a pile of bones and wore a skull as replacement for its head.

“That’s not me! How could you not recognize your own head? “

Snowie jumped back inside the pile of snow, when the cave shook from a sudden burst of vibrations.

What?! Why did the cave shake?

He popped his head out of the snow and examined the cave again, his eyes stopped in the back of the cave where he spotted his feet.

Wow… my feet survived. I guess I won’t need to recreate one… but what is that thing behind my feet? It looks like a crystal, but is it… snoring?

Snowie’s body arrived and reattached his head, but his eyes never wandered away from his feet.

There’s something there… Should I look? Or should I just create a new feet?

“Feet are you still alive? “ Snowie whispered.

His feet kicked and the cave shook again.

“Ummm… Feet can’t you just walk here, that spot looks dangerous. “

Both feet kicked and the cave shook again.

I shouldn’t have asked.

Snowie crawled towards his feet, the closer he gets… the clearer he saw the trouble he sought.

Feet! We’re a snowman!  So, why are you beside a sleeping dragon?! just a snort from that will melt us.

He moved towards the claws and saw its crystal clear skin that allowed anyone to glimpse the azure flame residing within its chest.

Snowie sweated from the body heat of the dragon and became smaller, he picked up his feet and reattached it to his body. 

Now I need to find a way out.

He looked around the cave and found another hole that he can jumped into.

“Why is this cave obsess with holes? Doesn’t it have anything that can drag me on top without any effort? “

Snowie didn’t notice the sapphire eye of the dragon opened behind him, and its body emitted blue flames that enlightened the cave.

“What happened? Who turned the lights on? And Why am I sweating so much?”

He examined the blue light in the tunnel, then turned around and made eye contact with the crystal dragon.

Snowie waved at the dragon and asked, “Ummm… can we be friends? And can you help me talk to the sun?” His face sweated while he smiled, and became smaller every step back he made “No? Okay please continue your sleep while I find someone to help me… “

Without a choice Snowie broke eye contact with the dragon and sprinted towards the hole.

A roar shook the cave, and Snowie’s body took that as a signal to throw his head first inside the hole, before his body and feet melted.

Because of the heroic act of his body and feet, Snowie avoided the fiery breath of goodbye from the dragon.

“Body! Feet! you won’t be forgotten! “ he screamed, while he fell into a slope covered with snow, and rolled down against his will.

I’m becoming big again… but what’s the point, if I can’t stop!

“Stop!—” he screamed as he rolled down, “rolling!—” and became a giant snowball, “Now—No! “

Snowie noticed the crystal tree too late, and could only scream after his round body hit it.

“Ouch! Wai—where am I? “ Snowie examined the trees made from crystals that grew inside a dark cave full of stalagmites and sapphires.
He tried to move, but couldn’t because of his heavy body.

I need to get out of this cave! What’s the point of being big, if I can’t make friends with anyone!

Snowie used his mouth to create a body. A small and agile body in the shape of a rabbit, that would allow him to sneak around the cave unnoticed.

“There! Now time to get out of this cave… but where do I go? “

He examined the cave and saw only one path available to take.
Snowie sweated and jumped back and forth, to check if there is another dragon sleeping inside it.

I’ve been jumping around here for an hour and no reaction at all... Am I overthinking this?

He only jumped into the tunnel when he saw a group of azure fireflies enter the path.

Snowie followed the fireflies through the tunnel, “Wow! Are you friends with Mr. Sun? You’re so round and bright just like him! Can we be friends? But.. You’re a small? Well nothing wrong with that! I can befriend anyone, and small is cute! Look at me, I’m cute! “

The fireflies ignored Snowie, and continued their journey inside the dark cave.

Wow! They also ignored me. Whoa! Those are really sharp ice, better be—”

An icicle attached to the ceiling suddenly fell to the side of Snowie.

That spike surprised me! I could have died from that… Okay I may have exaggerated about death, the worse that could happen is having a spike impaled on my body while I hop around.

Snowie followed behind the fireflies through the tunnel, while he avoided icicle spikes that fall from the ceiling.

After the grueling trial, Snowie and the fireflies arrived in a hallway surrounded by roses made from crystals and turquoise, as they move forward they run into Ice sculptures in the shape of a cyclops, dragon, frost titan, cold bear, and at the end of the hall is a crystal throne that sits atop an iceberg and separated from the hall by a frozen lake.

Snowie followed the fireflies through the frozen lake and arrived in front of the iceberg, and above it, is a throne where a woman with sapphire blue hair wearing a glittering one piece dress slept.

He climbed the iceberg and examined the sleeping woman’s face on the throne, “Isn’t she cold with those clothes? “ he asked.

“Who’s there? “

“Me, Snowie the snow rabbit!“

“Snowie? “ the woman opened her eyes and rose from the throne, and raised her eyebrow.

“Snowie? But… you’re not a rabbit… you’re a caterpillar. “

In the eyes of Snowie, his new body is a rabbit and a work of art, but in the eyes of the woman he looked like a caterpillar, since his body made from snowballs form a line with three tiny snowball that represent the ears and tail.

“What?! Haven’t you seen a rabbit in your entire life!” Snowie jumped around the iceberg and slipped uncontrollably to different spots every jump, “See! There’s no caterpillar that can jump like me!”

The woman massaged her forehead while she shook her head. She snapped her fingers, “Rise,” and sat back on the throne.

Her snap raised a chair and table for Snowie, to allow them to talk eye to eye.

The woman pointed at the chair and said, “please sit my dear guest. “ she looked at Snowie struggling to take a sit, “Alright little rabbit, since you’re my first guest after a thousand years, I will grant you one wish. I could create a kingdom for you, destroy your enemies, give you riches, I can give you anything. Under my honor as an Ice Goddess, I will grant anything you wish. “

Snowie jumped out of his chair and approached the Ice Goddess, “Really? Then I want to become like the sun! Or maybe a star, so that I can befriend Mr. Sun or just call Mr. Sun to talk to me, I’ll be happy with that!“

“… “

“Or you can bring Mr. Sun here so that we can talk to each other, wouldn’t that be fun! “

The Ice Goddess took a deep breath, and gave a smile that could make anyone kneel in her presence, “I’m sorry that’s impossible. Looks like you broke my honor, little rabbit. But, you can still repair it if you ask something possible for us ice folks. “

Snowie looked down and walked back to his chair, “Eh? But my only wish is to befriend Mr. Sun and talk to him.“

Cracks could be heard around the room, and as Snowie looked for the origins it turned out that the Ice Goddess had crushed the armrest of her throne.

“Like I said that’s impossible, and even if I can, you and I would melt instantly. So, why would you want that to happen?! “

Snowie jumped out again from his chair and approached the feet of the Ice Goddess and screamed, “Its because I want to befriend Mr. Sun who is always there to welcome me back during winter!”

The Ice Goddess lowered her gaze to Snowie and screamed back, “Why would the sun welcome you?!“

“You don’t know that! He’s just too far that’s why no one can hear him say it. But, I can feel it! “

Another crack resounded in the hall and the right armrest of the throne crumbled.

“Fine! Lets say you’re right. Then why would you even want to befriend someone capable of melting all of us?! “

Snowie jumped into the lap of the Ice Goddess and whispered, “I-I want to thank him for making me feel that someone is always waiting for me when I come back alive… and I also want to ask him how to become famous… you know like everyone knows that you exist. Mr. Sun is the only one that knows I exist."

The ice Goddess sighed and reformed her armrest by a snap of her finger, “so your wish is to have a friend and know that you exist? “

“and to know his secret on how to become famous and exist!”

The Ice Goddess snapped her finger again and the wind carried Snowie back to his sit, while she stood up from her reformed throne. “Fine! Then I will grant your wish, I, Saphirina Crystalein Snow will be your friend, teach you how to become famous, and I will always remember you my new friend Snowie the chatterbox. “

“Really? We can be friends?! Wait—I’m not a chatterbox! “

She snapped her finger and the ceiling opened to show the sun, “Yes, we can. I make this oath in the presence of the Sun. “

The sun didn’t reply and continued to spread its warmth throughout the land.

“See… his silence is an approval of our friendship, now you have me and the sun that knows you exist! “


She sat back on her throne, and gave Snowie a smile that could rival the warmth of the sun. “No buts! As long as I and the sun are alive you will always exist and be remembered even if you melt, Snowie. ”

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