Who knew.?

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  It all started when I went to his concert.. 'I have been waiting for this all year' i thought myself. 'I am actually going to meet him in person.! What if I act stupid.?'  I was rudly snaped back into realit by someone standing next to me "I think Louis is looking at you.! Your so lucky.!" She giggled into my ear.  "I don't think he is looking at me. I think he is looking at you.! Your way prettier then me.!" I mocked back. I look up and see Louis lokking at me. i can feel my face get hot, I wave and smile at him. He does the same. The song ends and all the boys'  go into a serious mode and start singing Little Things.  I start to sing along with them, I lock eyes with Louis again. I never knew how cute his eyes looked like before..Well not in person...It feels like the world has stopped, all the air has escaped  me. The concert ends and I hurry to get in line for the lads' autographs. 'Could this line be any longer.?' I thought to myself. Once I get up to the front I start to get scared. 'What are you doing Athena.? Move.! Do something.! You look stupid.!' I think/yell to myself. I smile and walk up to the table. I hand Harry and Liam the posters i want them to sign. Zayn a mirror and Niall a shirt. 

"I wonder what I will be signing..!" Louis said. "A poster..? A shirt..? A carrot...?" 

"A carrot..? Really Lou.?" Harry pondered.

"Ya' never know mate.!" Louis says looking up into my eyes. 

"You get to sign my phone cover.!" I hand him my phone cove-witch is a collage of him with a superman logo mixed in with. "This is really the only thing I have that is about you..Sorry lad.."

"All good love.!" He smiles signing the phone case. He takes my phone and putshis number in it, then passing it down the line. I giggle a little as I take my phone back from Harry. "Thanks, but I might not text you guys.. Being that you guys are in One Direction.!" I say looking down at my phone. "Oh do you think i could a pic with each of you.? I wanna rube this in my friends face." 

"Sure.!" They all say at once. I get a pic with Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall, then I get a pic of Louis kissing my cheek. I blush. "Thanks loves.!" I smile saving the pics.

"Well, I hope you'll text me.!" Louis pouted. "Why wouldn't someone as beautiful as you text me love.?"

"Cause for one I am Not beaut--" I was cut off by louis putting his hand over my hand. "No.! Don't you dare say that.!" Louis demanded removing his hand. With that I had to move along. "Bye,!" I say walking away. "Bye love.!" The shouted back. I smile to myself.

                                         ~~~~At my hotel room~~~~

I pick up my phone going through my contacts. I stop on BooBear, I was debating on texting him or not. I decide to text him. "Hey. It Athena..The one you gave you number to..."

"Hey.! So you did want to text me, huh (: .?" He replies "Whats up.?"

"I guess I did..Haha (: I am really bored..There is nothing to do at this hotel..!" I text back

"Witch hotel.? Me and the lads' are going to go swimming. I'll pick you up.!"

"I'm at the hotel on 24th street. I'll get my swim-suit ready(: .!"

"Be there in a minute love.!"  I put on my pink swim top and blue swim bottom. 'He'll love this.!' Ithink to myself I pull  on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Off I went.

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