Please... Go away...

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Tsukishima's POV: 

,,What do you want for breakfast?" Hinata asked as we were walking down the stairs. I felt much better after crying and letting it all out. I need to thank him properly later. I thought to myself. ,,Hmm, I don't know... What can you make?" I answered with a question. ,,Pretty much everything, I cook for my little sister Natsu all the time." he said happily. ,,What about pancakes?" he suggested. ,,Sure, sounds nice. My mom used to make them all the time when I was a kid..." I approved.  

The sweet smell of pancakes, bananas and strawberry jam filled the house. ,,Here! One serving of pancakes and a glass of milk!" Hinata handed me a plate with four pancakes, sliced bananas and a glass of milk. It looked delicious and I immediately started eating. ,,It's really good!" I praised him when he sat across me. ,,Thank you, now eat before it gets cold." he smiled at me and started eating. We ate the food in comfortable silence. 

,,Hey, I'm gonna go to my house to get some stuff, do you want to go with me?" Shoyo asked after he was done washing the dishes. ,,No no, I need to take I shower" I replied and smiled. ,,Are you sure? Will you be okay?" he walked towards me with a concerned face. ,,Hey, don't worry. I'm just gonna take a shower, no self-harm included. I feel much better thanks to you" I placed my hands on his shoulders. ,,You promise?" he said and pouted a little. ,, Yes Shoyo, I promise. Now go, I'll be fine. Just come back soon." I smiled at him and patted his head. ,,I- Yes. I'll be back soon!" he blushed, took my keys and ran out of the house with an excited smile on his face. How cute... I thought to myself and went upstairs to take a shower. Before I could take my clothes off I heard the doorbell. ,,Didn't he take my keys?" I said as I went downstairs again. ,,Hinata?" I opened the door. But it wasn't Hinata. It was Yamaguchi. My eyes widened. 

Hinata's POV: 

I ran the whole way to my house. No one was home but there was some money on the kitchen table with a note saying 'buy him some food to cheer him up. -mom :)' I smiled as I read the note. I went to my room and packed all the essential stuff such as some clean clothes, my toothbrush, a charger and my diary. I took the money my mom left me and walked out of the house. ,,Hmm, maybe I could take him out on a little date..." I said to myself, thinking out loud. I locked the door and started running back to Kei's house so I could get there as soon as possible. 

I got there after a little while, panting. It took me some time to find the house keys in my bag so I had a chance to catch my breath. ,,Hey Kei, I'm back!" I said as I opened the door. No answer. I looked around and saw him sitting on the ground. I dropped my bag. He was trembling and scratching his bloody wrists. ,,Kei! Oh my God, Kei!" I yelled as I ran over to him. I grabbed his hands and held them tightly to prevent him from opening his wounds any further. ,,Kei, what happened? What's wrong?" I asked him to get a better grasp of the situation. ,,Yams... He... Was here... He said he heard about what happened and he told me he's leaving the town for a while to make it easier for me... And then he- he said 'gomen Tsukki' like he used to... he just apologized and left... I- I couldn't handle it, Shoyo... He- It- Ugh... I remembered everything again... I- I-" he struggled to explain, still trembling and crying. I pulled him into a hug and held him tight. ,,Shhh, it's okay, you're okay, I'm here." I tried to calm him down. ,,I just- I felt so overwhelmed at the moment I- I panicked... I'm sorry Shoyo, I- I broke the promise I gave you, I'm so sorry, I'm so so so sorry" he kept apologizing. It made my heart ache, I hated it. I had to do something. ,,No no no, it's okay, shhh, don't apologize. I should be the one apologizing to you." I said as I pulled away. ,,What... What do you mean?" he asked, visibly confused. ,,I'm sorry, I have to do it. I don't want to see you in pain anymore" I said as I took his face into my hands gently. ,,Huh what do you-" he blurted out just before I kissed him. It was the only reasonable thing I could think of. His lips were soft and warm. I didn't want our first kiss to happen like this but I had to do it. ,,I love you, Kei. And I won't leave your side. You don't have to return my feelings yet, I just wanted to let you know. I love you and I don't want to see you in pain. I will always be here for you so please..."  I closed my eyes and hugged him again. He was not trembling anymore and his heart was beating fast. ,,...Don't try to leave ever again." I whispered into his ear. 

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