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"And then he never texted me after that." Miley whines as we walk across the school hallway.

"I don't know what you see in that guy. He is such a jerk. Oh and let's not forget how stupid he is." Jessica says.

"Hey! You don't even know him okay? Deep deep down he has a heart of gold."  Miley retorts.

"Yeah, that's why he's ghosting you." Jessica snorts.

"He will text me soon........" Miley says gloomily.

"Aww, honey don't worry about him. There is plenty of fish in the sea. And to be really honest, you deserve better. I'm not a fan of Mason either. He is very mean." I say.

"You too, Rose?" She asks with a hurtful expression.

"I mean I don't-" I was interrupted when I suddenly felt someone lifting my skirt up. I promptly turn around to see Felix, one of the biggest jerks in our school, smirking at me. Beside him, is his best friend, Garry, holding a video recorder. I look at the two of them with horror when it dawns on me what they just did.

"What the fuck, Felix? What did you just do?!" Jessica asks taking a step towards him. Miley wraps her arms around me for comfort. But it wasn't helping at all.

"Well, you see Jess, my friend and I, had a bet going on in here. I made a bet saying that our little Rose wears grandma underpants. I gotta prove my point so we thought of taking a little peek, and oh my God I was so right." He says whilst laughing and giving high fives to his friend. By now, we grabbed the attention of all the students around us and they were witnessing the current predicament with curiosity. Some girls were even giggling at my misery while some guys were giving me judgmental looks.

"What a geek." I heard one of the girls murmur. Unable to bear the humiliation anymore, I push Miley's arms away from me and sprint towards the girls' washroom. I lock myself in there and start sobbing. I always knew that Felix and his gang didn't like me, I don't know why. But I never thought they would stoop to this level to degrade me. This is so disrespectful. He humiliated me in front of the whole school! Why do people have to be so judgmental?

"Rose?" I hear Miley and Jessica calling me out whilst knocking on the door of the stall I was in.

"Honey we know you're in there. Please come out, Rose."

"Go away, please. I want to be alone." I say in between hiccups.

"He is such an asshole I swear. He should be getting a suspension for this." I hear Miley mumbling to Jessica.

"He won't. He is the school principal's son after all. That loser will get away with this." Jessica says through her gritted teeth.

"Come out Rose. We promise you no one is going to make fun of you. Come out now." Miley insists.

"No no no. Please just leave me alone." I say, sniffling.

"She won't come out anytime soon," Jessica says to Miley.

"Doesn't matter. We'll stay here till she comes out." Miley says.

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