Season 1 Recap.

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Third-person POV

the world in this book is a virtual one that's called Sekai . Sekai is a virtual world full of demi codes.
Demi codes are a species of digital characters with thoughts and feelings that were created by the code masters, a group of intelligent humans.

Every demi code possesses three special codes inside them known as the physical, intelligence, and power code. when any code is activated something extraordinary happens.

If a Demi code activates their Physical code:
Their physical capabilities are enhanced

If a Demi code Activates their Intelligence code:
Their brainpower is enhanced

If a Demi code Activates their Power code:
They are granted three unique skills that they can use.
(Everyone has three different skills)
(Skills are basically like supernatural abilities)

Season 1 recap

Josh, his friends, and his girlfriend enter the HQ of cult members known as the death codes and engage in a battle with them

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Josh, his friends, and his girlfriend enter the HQ of cult members known as the death codes and engage in a battle with them. All so that they can capture their leader who the cult members treat like a god. She's a little girl but even so, she has the highest level power code a Demi code could have, zero.

She also knows where the enhancement ring is; a ring that can make a Demi codes skills more powerful. With that ring in her possession, she will be able to destroy Sekai which is why they attempt to stop her.

The result of their battle was many cult members aka Death codes dying. Their friend Faith being killed by the glitch and The glitch and Josh temporarily losing their memories. Due to Josh using his skill in an attempt to save and buy time for his friends to figure out another way to defeat her.

After Josh and the glitch fall into a coma due to their sudden loss of memories Josh's friends take him and escape the HQ.

Many days later Josh wakes up with no memories of his past.

That marks the beginning of his and his friends adventure.

Throughout their adventure, lots of things happened.

They got in fights :

caedis and the blood wizard who summoned him. Scarlet who eventually joined them on their mission to defeat the glitch. The black dragon and the corpses created from his sacred black flame.

Josh (before getting all his memories back) found out about their main objective:

He finds out that they wanna stop the glitch from destroying the world and that they need the power glove to do that. The power glove is an item from hell which is required for the plan to stop glitch that his friends made while he was in a coma. The power glove can absorb power codes and by using this on the glitch they can steal her power code. Making the enhancement ring useless to her since it only enhances power codes.

Josh regained all his memories:

When Josh first woke up he had no memories but after a few months of multiple flashbacks he ended up remembering everything.

Josh found out about dorobo a demon who lives inside his power code:

His true name is Dorobo but he calls himself demon code because he's a demon who's trapped inside a code. He can take control of Joshs body when he's emotionally vulnerable,Physically vulnerable and when given permission. Whenever he takes control of Josh body the body transforms to resemble a demon. Only Dorobo can use Joshs third skill so unless Dorobo is in control of Joshs body then the skill cannot be used. Josh cannot use the skill himself whenever he wants. The third skill basically let's you bring someone into your mind.

Josh learned that he may have originally been human:

After learning about this from Dorobo he decides to find out if it's true. He thinks that by talking to some demons while they're in hell he might find some clues. He's hoping that some of the demons know who dorobo is.

Josh,Simon and Noah learned that Joy used to be an assassin who's partner was Scarlet.

Josh found skulls while  in his mind (he used a skill to get into the world inside his mind.)

Those skulls he found showed him flashbacks of what he thinks maybe memories of when he was human. Though for some reason he can't remember anything else from when he was human. He also doesn't know how he lost all those memories or how he became a Demi code.

They find out what dragons really are
Dragons are half monster and half Demi code. This is why Noah has codes just like a Demi code even though he's technically a monster. Dragons have an ordinary physical and intelligence code but their power code is different. For them, they only have one skill known as "Sacred flame". Every dragon's sacred flame is different and they all do different things. To make up for dragons only having one skill some of the dragons created techniques known as "dragon techniques" .which when a dragon technique is used together with their Sacred flame they can beat even the toughest Demi codes.

They find out Noah is a dragon.

That's a mini summarization of all that happened


their adventure isn't over yet there's still much more to be told.

Josh, Noah, Simon, Joy, and Scarlet just went through hell's gate and the thrilling part of the adventure is just beginning.

Find out in Season 2 of demon code the rest of what happens in their Adventure.

Find out in Season 2 of demon code the rest of what happens in their Adventure

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S2 Ch 1 Coming soon

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