Chapter 2

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Be ready for some fluff OwO

      Blue walked into o2 and sneaked up behind Purple, she then proceeded to hug Purple around the waist and say, "Hey." Purple let out a small sequel from the sudden gesture, the only thing going through her mind was, 'This is it, it's time to die' but then she noticed it was just Blue. Purple let out a sigh of relief and greeted her girlfriend, "Hey Blue."

     Blue released Purple, stood up, and said, "So how's the prettiest astronaut on the ship doing?" Blue gave a wink at the end, completely forgetting that Purple couldn't see it because of the helmet.

     Purple felt her face heat up at Blues remark, but she kept her cool and tried flirting back, "I don't know, how are you doing Blue?" Purple said in the flirtiest voice she could use. Blue, surprised at what Purple said, turned away.

"Aww what's wrong Blue?" Purple asked.

"I, I wasn't expecting you to flirt back..." Blue mustered, her face covered in blush.

     Purple let out a quiet laugh at her girlfriends cute remark, then out of the corner of her eye, Purple noticed the trash chute still needed to be emptied.

"Hey Blue, can you help me with this?"

     Blue stood there for a moment, still looking away from Purple, her mind panicking, because she knew that as an imposter she couldn't complete any tasks. After what seemed like forever, Blue said,

"Nah, I'm not really felling up to it, plus I'm sure you can do it on your own."

     "Aw, you're no fun." Purple pouted, but tried once more at the chute, and to her surprise she managed to push down the lever. She cheered, and looked back at Blue, who had been watching her.

Blue laughed and said, "See, I told you that you could do it."

Purple just laughed back and said, "I guess you were right."

     The two of them stood in silence for a while. Purple thought for a moment, Blue's acting kinda suspicious, she tried to brush off the thought considering she thought everyone was suspicious, but Blue's suspiciousness was different. She decided to ask Blue if Blue knew why she thought Blue was sus.

"Hey Blue?"

"Yea Purple?"

"Why do I think you're an imposter?" Purple questioned.

Blue froze for a second, but responded to Purple's question with,

"I don't know, probably because I am an impostor."

"Yea Prabab- Wait, What?!" Purple said, her voice louder than she wanted it to be, "If you're the impostor, than why haven't you killed me yet?!"

"Umm, because you're my girlfriend and I love you." Blue said as if she was stating the obvious.

"But It's easier to do tasks as a ghost!"Purple protested

"And I like your company!" Blue protested back

"Fair point." Purple said, " But if you're an impostor, than you know who the other impostor is right?"

"Well yea, but I don't want you to rat them out."

"Fair point, I probably would rat them out."

     Blue looked at the tablet in her hand to check the time, it had been about 10 minutes since she left White in the cafeteria to find Purple. She should probably try to find Lime, or White. Blue decided to head back to the cafeteria to talk to White to make sure their kills were coordinated.

"I should probably meet up with the other imposter, we're going to talk about our plans to kill people." Blue said, making it sound more casual then it should've.

"Oh ok. I'll just continue doing my tasks, and if somebody suspects it's you, I'll just say I saw you doing tasks." Purple said.

"Ok" Blue said, "Hey Purple, can you take off your helmet? I want to see your beautiful face before I go."

     Purples cheeks heated up, but she took off her helmet as Blue said to. Blue noticed a faint blush covering Purple's cheeks. 'Cute' Blue thought to herself. Blue then took off her helmet and said,

     "Oh and Purple, one more thing."  Blue said, holding her helmet in one arm as she walked closer to Purple and grasped Purple's face with her other hand. She then kissed Purple gently on the lips. Purple, whose face was as red as Red's suit, kissed back. Purple and Blue stayed like that for a short while. Eventually Blue released the kiss, her face also quite red and said,

"Welp bye Purple! I'll see you later ok?!"

     Blue then ran off to where Purple was guessing the cafeteria. Purple just stood there in o2 still processing what happened. She still found it hard to believe that Blue was her girlfriend, because Purple had had a crush on Blue ever since they met. It was kind of like on of those cringe romance movies with the love at first sight. Purple didn't believe in that until she met Blue. She started hanging out with Blue more, always feeling better when she was with her.

     Purple thought for a little while longer, than she gathered her thoughts and walked over to navigation to download data.

That's it for chapter 2! I hope you liked it!! Please tell me if you want me to continue this story .-.

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