36 2 0

"Okay, server's full, so let's get it started." The countdown started.


Excitement shot through the server.


Yellow was dressed-distressed. She's still choosing between her leaf hat or her egg hat.


Cyan ran in a spot.


Blue was getting quite nervous. He didn't really like his job, even though he was great at it.


Red held his hand.  "It'll be fine," he said. "I'll be by your side".


Deep breath in.


Deep breath out.


"I'll be just fine. Besides, I have Red with me." He thought to himself, smiling a bit at his lover.


Pink uwu-ed.


The round is starting.

Shh! There's an Imposter among us...

Everyone had spawned in the Cafeteria, splitting up to finish their tasks.

Blue's first task was in Admin. Everyone was usually at Admin the first few minutes of the round.


Task Complete!

Next task, in the Hospita-

Body Reported!


Red: where?
Purple: where.
Green: qhere?
Green: *where
Yellow: I found Cyan's body in the storage room. No one there.
White: Whre

Blue: so either someone vented, or yellow self-reported.

Yellow: i didnt self report ; ^;

          Blue: everyone say where you were and what task you were doing.

71 seconds to vote.

Yellow: obviously in storage, getting some fuel 'til I found Cyan's lifeless body.
Green: @ lower engine.
Red: close to navigation.
Pink: cafe uwu
Purple: Entering upper engine.
White: uhh i think i was in oxygen headed for storage
Orange: at cafe w/ pink.

13 seconds to vote.

Blue: We don't have time, lets just skip for now...

No one was ejected.
One Imposter remains...

Blue headed straight to the storage room to finish up some wiring. Red passed him quickly, mustering a small 'hey' before moving along.

Strange. He'd usually stay to chat a bit.

And he sworn he'd smelt something... metallic.

What if...

What if he was the-?

"No, just no! What are you thinking? He's your boyfriend, he'd never do that, right? C'mon, get it together, Blue. You just need some water. Yeah, just water..."

"Hey, Pink?"

After every body report and every emergency meeting, Red was beginning to look more and more sus to Blue. But he ignored all these signs. He kept on telling himself that his mind was playing tricks on him.


It wasn't.

There's an Imposter Among Us... (or mabye two)Where stories live. Discover now