Chapter 1

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Kim's P.O.V.

    Hank has asked me and Jay to come in earlier than normal for a briefing for an assignment. I had no idea what the assignment was, or why he wanted me and Jay. Jay and I weren't normally partners. When I enter Voight's office Jay is already in there with him, along with another older man with grey hair.
   "Great Kim you're here. Take a seat." I sat down next to Jay giving him a look asking if he knew anything. He just shook his head.
   "This is NCIS special agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs. We know each other from a joint investigation. This is his case so I'm gonna let him explain it." NCIS? Why was a special agent from DC in Chicago? I look over at Jay who seems to have the same questions I have.
     "One week ago a NCIS agent, who was a Detective for CPD, was leading an attack with his partner on a gang that had killed a naval officer. The agent was shot and killed as soon as he got into his position while his partner was supposed to be with him, but he was found on the other side of the building without a scratch on him. After further investigation one of our techs decoded strange emails between the partner and other lower agents along with someone who we believe is the leader. We want you to go undercover as NCIS agents who just got reassigned. You will be each other's partners. This will allow you both to easily help with other teams' cases or use the cover of working your own. The only people at the agency who will know who you really are my team and the director. If you take the assignment. This isn't your jurisdiction, and you do have the choice because this most likely will be a longer assignment." I look over at Jay who is already looking at me. It would give me space from Adam and Hailey, who I had just found out are together. He nods at me and I nod back. I look back at Hank and Gibbs who are smirking slightly.
     "We'll do it, but why did you pick us?" Adam's better at going undercover, and maybe Kevin too.
     "You two are the best we got. This isn't an undercover op as much as it's an investigation." Hank Voight just said we were the best. That's praise. I try not to smile too much.
     "With that being said I need to be heading back to DC. You two are set to leave at midnight, and then have tomorrow to settle into your apartment. The director also wanted to apologize for it only being one apartment for the two of you. It was the best we could find in such short notice." With that he nodded towards all of us, and left.
     "Because of the assignment you two have today to pack and get your covers together before you leave on the plane. Because of the distance and there should be nothing connecting you to Chicago you can go by your first names, but change your last. You will have time when you're there to get the details in order. Any questions?" Jay and I look at each other, and I then look towards the squad room where Antonio already was.
     "What will the team be told?" That was the first time that Jay has spoken since I've arrived.
     "They will be told that you both are on an undercover op. They won't know where except for Antonio. You two should probably go before the rest of them get here, but Kim could you hang back a minute." What did he need?
     "Yeah Sarge."
     "While you're in DC I want you to give Nicole and Zoe my number if they need anything." He really was a softy when he wanted to be. Don't tell him I said that.
    "I will Voight. Thank you." He just nods at me as my cue to leave. Luckily it was still pretty early when I left the precinct after promising Antonio that I would be safe.With that I was off to pack, and then meet Jay to discuss our assignment.

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