Chapter 2

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The group arrived at Tazuna's house in a couple of hours. Tazuna takes the lead and opens the house leading them in. "Father you arrive and you're safe." A woman with black hair says with relief as she sees them walk in. "Tsunami, these are the shinobi I hired, and a plus one that appeared out of nowhere. The gray haired ninja on the blonde's back is Kakashi. The ducky is Sasuke. The pinky is Sakura. I have no idea who the blonde one is." Tazuna says with disrespect. Sasuke and Sakura glares at Tazuna. "Miss Tsunami-san?" Naruto calls her attention. "Just call me Tsunami please." Tsunami says with a smile. "Right... Do you have a place to set Kakashi down to rest? My back is killing me from his weight." Naruto says with a sheepish grin. Tsunami nods. "Of course follow me." Tsunami says and leads Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura to a room with a futon in it. "You could put him here." Tsunami says and she leaves the room. Naruto sets Kakashi on the futon. "Finally! My back is relieved!" Naruto anime cries in joy. Sasuke and Sakura sweat drop. "Who are you?" Sakura demands with her hands on her hips. "Me?" Naruto points to himself childishly. Sasuke and Sakura nod with their eyes twitching. "I'll tell you... tomorrow." Naruto says as he jumps out the window. Naruto walks into the forest away from the house. 'Can't believe I helped Konoha ninjas...' Naruto thinks with a scowl. 'Just don't help them anymore then.' Kurama says in his head. 'Kurama... When Kakashi wakes up, Kakashi will try to find me. Trying to see who I am.' Naruto tells Kurama mentally. 'Get some sleep brat.' Kurama says through their link. Naruto rolls his eyes as he lays down in the clearing. Naruto slowly falls asleep thinking about the bad feeling he has about the fight.

The next day...

"Hey blondie wake up!" A voice yells at Naruto. Naruto opens his eyes to see Kakashi looming over him with a crutch. Naruto sees Sasuke behind Kakashi with a scowl and Sakura fawning over Sasuke. "W-What?" Naruto yawns with a sleepy look. 'Knew it...' Naruto thinks with an internal sigh. "What's your name?" Kakashi asks with an eerie eye smile. "Why should I tell you?" Naruto asks with stern eyes. "Because you're in a position where I could kill you and your weaponless." Kakashi says showing holding his katana and weapon pouch. "Hmph!" Naruto grunts and closes his eyes. Kakashi stares down at Naruto with his one eye that is visible. "Sasuke and Sakura can you leave please?" Kakashi asks coldly without turning to them. Sasuke and Sakura leaves hesitantly.  "I'll give you one last chance to say your name with peace, if not I will have to beat it out of you." Kakashi warns Naruto coldly. Naruto opens his eyes and glares defiantly. Kakashi chuckles darkly. "Have it your way." Kakashi says with dark tone. Kakashi lifts his hitai-ate and reveals a red eye with three tomoes. Naruto glares at Kakashi and falls under a trance due to the sharigan. "What is your name?" Kakashi asks sternly. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto says in the trance. Kakashi freezes and his eyes widen. 'Sensei's son...?' Kakashi thinks with a sad frown. "Why did you leave Konoha 7 years ago?" Kakashi asks with foreboding tone that promises pain as released the jutsu. Naruto snaps out of the trance and glares at Kakashi. "None of your business!" Naruto yells stubbornly. Kakashi narrows his eyes and kicks Naruto on his left side, sending Naruto to the other side of the clearing. Naruto coughs up blood. Naruto stands up shakily and turns to see Kakashi running at him. 'Didn't expect this..' Naruto thinks with a grimace. Naruto jumps back dodging a punch from Kakashi. 'Kurama if this is an illusion you're doing, I'm turning my mindscape orange if don't stop it.' Naruto thinks as ducks under a punch. 'I'm not doing an illusion you puny hairless ape! So don't turn the mindscape to that abominable color! Now pay attention!' Kurama yells grouchy. Kakashi connects a kick to Naruto's right leg, making Naruto fall to the ground in pain. Kakashi looms over Naruto once more. "Are you going to tell me why you left Konoha or do you want pain?" Kakashi asks with a stern gaze. "It's my reason!" Naruto yells with a glare. Kakashi stares at Naruto and sighs. "You know, you could of been left alone if you just tell me." Kakashi says with a dark tone as he kicks Naruto on his right side, sending Naruto hitting a tree across the clearing hard. Naruto cries in pain. "I l-left Konoha b-because it got t-too p-painful." Naruto whimpers as he collapses when he tried to stand. "What do you mean painful?" Kakashi asks while approaching Naruto. Naruto slowly stands up shakily. "I was kicked out of the orphanage on my birthday. When I walked through the village a group of villagers and some ninja approach from behind and attacked because they think I'm the kyuubi." Naruto says and stares at Kakashi defeated. Kakashi stares back with a blank gaze but on the inside Kakashi trembles in rage. "Now that you have your answers, I'm going to go find another clearing and collapse." Naruto says as he limps away shakily. Kakashi suddenly appears in front of Naruto. "Naruto, I'm very sorry for that fight." Kakashi says with guilt. "It's fine." Naruto says waving off the apology. "Naruto, if you can, please give Konoha a second chance." Kakashi asks with sincerity. Naruto blinks and looks at Kakashi with blank eyes. 'Go back or wonder around lost?' Naruto thinks. "I'll give you an answer at the end of the week." Naruto says with an unsure tone. "That's all I ask. I'll take my leave." Kakashi says as he limps away. '.....I lost to a guy who is crippled...' Naruto thought with a cloud over his head. 'To be honest, you didn't fight back.' Kurama says with an uneasy tone. 'I told you 3 years I'm not fighting a guy who isn't evil unless they ask for a spar.' Naruto says mentally with a serious look. 'Hmph. Go to the old man's house.' Kurama says with a hidden motive. 'Why?' Naruto stops in mid-step. 'You're going back to Konoha.' Kurama says with a stern stare. 'Are you nuts?' Naruto asks the fox mentally with an angry tone. 'Naruto you know you will never find what you want answered out in the other towns. You'll find what you need in Konoha.' Kurama says with a soft tone. 'What would I find?' Naruto asks already knowing the answer. 'A place to protect. Remember Natsu's words?' Kurama asks with a soft smile. Naruto looks at the ground.

Flashback 4 years ago...

A 9-year-old Naruto walks up to Natsu in the cabin they built. "Hey Natsu-nii?" Naruto asks with a contemplative tone. "Yes Otooto?" Natsu answers while looking at him. "How do you know where you belong?" Naruto asks with a questioning gaze. Natsu raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Well I can't really describe it well... but I say you'll feel a protective feeling in your heart when you're around precious people you can call family." Natsu says with a fond grin. "How can you tell if they're your precious people?" Naruto asks even more confused. "You're heart will tell you that too. When you felt a warm feeling in your heart, you know you found one." Natsu says while ruffling Naruto's hair. "Thanks Natsu-nii! I promise to always protect my precious people, no matter what!" Naruto says with a fire burning in his eyes. "I know you will. Just remember that you also need to know when to accept defeat because that will always help you learn the right step." Natsu says with heart warming grin.

Flashback ends...

'Naruto do you understand now?' Kurama asks seeing Naruto coming to the realization. 'Yes Kurama, and thanks.' Naruto says as he limps to Tazuna's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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