my youth was going quickly, but you gave me sixteen

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Song title credit: Sixteen by Chelsea Cutler

Summary: The clones go to the bar for Ahsoka's birthday (but unfortunately she can't drink, only celebrate!)

A/N: Holy shit I found this in my drafts and realized it was finished, so just had to edit a bit, so here you go! I mentioned in Talk Shit, Get Hit (Part 1) that Ahsoka went to 79's for her 16th birthday so I kinda wanna add on to that, and wabaam. Some things are written like how I wrote a few months ago, so yeah the writing style might be a bit different!

"We're here!"

Fives and the others had wanted to celebrate Ahsoka's sixteenth birthday somewhere fun and what better way was there than to spend it at 79's? Rex had practically begged the general to let Ahsoka try her first drink (if only for his brothers' requests) and he reluctantly agreed. Anakin made them swear a whole list of conditions that they promised to follow, and now, they were currently standing in front of the temple gates with two temple sentinels blocking their path. The evening lights shone brightly from the Temple windows, and the sound of speeders driving past filled the city of Coruscant.

"Kriff vod, you forgot to ask the general to give us permission to enter," Fives whined, keeping a safe distance away from the guards and eyeing their weapons with a nervous grimace.

They were in their civvies so the sentinels didn't know their ranks, and only captains and above could enter. They didn't believe Rex since he didn't bring identification, and now?

Now they were stuck.

"Me? How is this my fault? No one ever told me that!" Echo retorted. The two started bickering but Jesse continued to pace. Kix watched in amusement as his fingers fiddled at the ends of his shirt.

"I asked her to meet us here in about five minutes. She'll come. She just doesn't know why though," Rex interrupted, nonchalantly standing beside Kix as he rolled his eyes at the twins' antics.

The domino batchmates stopped arguing at that.

"Then where is she? You said she probably has a break right now. I bet she even forgot it was her birthday!" Jesse pointed out. They hadn't gone to the bar in a while and he was excited to show Ahsoka what they did as brothers.

"I'll bet you four credits she remembered," Kix answered. He knew his Commander had a good memory when she had sufficient hours of sleep. 

(They weren't going to talk about how she was following Obi-Wan in regards to her sleep schedule.)

Jesse stopped pacing to look at Kix with a grin. "You're on."

They waited for a few minutes and finally, they saw Ahsoka's figure sprinting towards them. The Temple guards stepped aside, letting her through.

"Sorry, I'm late guys. Had to bring the younglings back to the crèche and I lost track of time. Why did you guys call me?"

"Well, Commander, it's a surprise," Fives smiled over his shoulders before he signaled for a speeder.

She looked at them, confused as she hopped into her seat between Rex and Jesse. "What's the occasion?"

"Pay up Kix," Jesse laughed, hand outstretched beside him.

"When we go back," Kix grumbled, disappointed in losing the few credits each clone had.

"You don't remember, do you?" Fives questioned the togruta, raising an eyebrow. Immediately, her brow markings furrowed in worry.

"Did I miss something important? A meeting? I didn't hear about meet—"

"Calm down little'un. It's your birthday today," Rex chuckled, elbowing her.

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