Chapter 1: Earth

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Chapter 1: Earth

A long time ago, on an ancient planet a civilization was at risk of extinction. An entire species was to be whipped out. Because of a test, 8 teenagers were selected and sent off into space, in hope of discovering a new planet. 4 were boys, and 4 were girls. They were the only chance of the human survival. The boys names were Blake, Jackson, Marco, and George. The girls names were Aria, Olivia, Jade, and Sky. Each one was given a partner of the opposite gender, for they were to repopulate mankind. Blake and Aria, Jackson and Olivia, Marco and Jade, and George and Sky. They found a new planet called Halcyon, for it was safe and peaceful. Everyone was on board with the plan. Except for Sky, She thought it was stupid. Having her future all planned out for her. She hated the deal from the beginning. So she did the only thing she could; she killed George.

As you may have guessed already i'm from Halcyon otherwise known as this new world to you. Our government is set up sort of in a special way. It's what you would call a monarchy, but not a dynasty. To this day we honor those 8 teenagers that found our new land. We have 3 different kingdoms. Since George was killed we do not have a kingdom for him. Nor Sky for she couldn't have a kingdom, because they had no children. Each kingdom has ancestors of the 6 courageous heroes. One kingdom is called Blaria, named after Blake and Aria. People there are called Blarians. The second kingdom is called Jolivia, named after Jackson and Olivia. People there are called Jolivians. The final kingdom is called Jadeco. For Jade and Marco. People there are called Jadecos. Blaria is the richest kingdom, following Jolivia, and ending with Jadeco.

Every 10 years a King/Queen is selected to rule over the land. Only a Jolivian can rule Jolivia, The rule follows for the other two Kingdoms. You have to have the ancestors blood in you to be able to rule their kingdom. Now... I didn't forget about Sky. If anyone breaks any laws in any kingdom they are banished to the Sky. In other words you are banished to work for the people of the other kingdoms. Such as guards, slaves, or maids. How To Become A King or Queen. Remember when I talked about that test the 8 teenagers had to take? Yeah. To be able to take the test you.... well, have to be a teenager. The King/Queen is a teenager, and rules for 10 years. 13 is the youngest you can take it, and 18 is the oldest you can take it. It's even possible that if you get a low enough score you can be banished to the Sky, too. The test... tests are all different, because the kingdoms are all different. Blaria's test, tests your bravery and courage. They are the richest kingdom, because their people are mostly army soldiers for Halcyon. Jolivia's test, tests your manipulation and people skills. You know lawyers, doctors, teachers, or government officials. Finally, Jadeco's test, tests your creativity, kindness, and peace: Artists, dancers, spinners, craftsman, and talents. If you're not selected you just are assigned a new job like everyone else. Yeah, I know what you're thinking who decides who is the next ruler, ay? Well, the current rulers. Where are all of the adults? Ha! The adults work and raise the potential teenagers that could possibly become king or queen. Chances are very slim. The entire population of Halcyon is 1,000,098 people. That's alot considering we started from 8 in the beginning. About 634,800 of those are teenagers. 3 get picked. Not to mention the ones that break a law.

How rude of me! We haven't been properly introduced! I live in the year 3037 My name is Mia, I'm 15 years old, born in Blaria, and will take my test in 3 days. I have a twin brother named Mason. Also, a little sister named Abigail. She's only 7 years old. My brother will be taking the test as well. You can not even imagine how embarrassed I would be to find out my brother was chosen and I wasn't. He's a doofus!!!

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