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"Juniper?" A female voice said from behind me.

I turned to see the brunette girl, smiling at me. I ran to her arms and embraced her tightly. Her perfume filled my senses as I let out a sigh.

"I've missed you," I whispered.

"Me too! You're the only one who wrote to me."

"I'm not surprised. You know Ron and Harry aren't into that."

"They can be such imbeciles."

We laughed and got onto the Hogwarts Express. Hermione has been my best friend since day one. We met on the Hogwarts Express on our first day. She informed be about her meeting with the Harry Potter and his 'weird friend' Ron. Since that day, we've been friends and became close to Harry and Ron along the way. It was our fourth year at Hogwarts and it was great to finally be back. We walked, looking for empty seats as well as Harry and Ron. Before I could process it, Hermione ran and left me stranded alone in the midst of moving students looking for their own friends.

I walked forward, avoiding bumping into anyone. The train was filled with chatter of the many Hogwarts students reuniting after the holiday. I saw a glimpse of Hermione hugging a boy who I assumed was Harry, but couldn't be too sure with everyone walking in the way. I picked up the pace of my steps before suddenly tumbling to the ground not too long after. I heard laughter from above me and I already knew who caused me to fall. My mind filled with rage as I stood back up. I turned around and there he was, the seemingly taller, platinum-blonde haired boy who had the biggest smirk on his face.

"Of course you would be the dumb one here to trip over air, aren't you, Reynolds?" Crabbe and Goyle laughed at his comment.

"Of course you would be the dumb one to think tripping people is the funniest thing you could do to someone, aren't you, Malfoy? Truly, is that all you got?"

His expression grew angry and annoyed as the smirk immediately disappeared from his face. I smiled and winked at him, walking away. Draco Malfoy, the most annoying, most immature, most cruel, most barbaric person in all of the wizarding world if you asked me. Since I became friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, he's bullied me. We're the Golden Group, and we are all the people on Draco's hate list. I practically stomped away in frustration, there wasn't a day where I could get a break from Draco's pranks and insults.

Harry ran up to me, giving me a tight hug. My mood was instantly lifted and the situation that happened with Draco, in my mind, never happened.

"It's so great to see you."

"You too, Harry."

We took a seat, Harry and I together, and Hermione and Ron across from us. The ride flew by quickly and before we knew it, we were back at Hogwarts. We went to the Great Hall where Professor Dumbledore gave his speech and announced the Triwizard Tournament. The room of students were not happy when he announced that you're only allowed to put your name in the goblet of fire if you're seventeen years old. I looked over to the Gryffindor table and caught a glimpse of Hermione. She shrugged and I smiled, wishing I could sit with them.

Everyone was dismissed to their rooms and I made my way to the Ravenclaw Common Room. I felt two hands on each shoulder and nearly jumped out of my own skin.

"Hello, little Ravenclaw," A red-haired boy stood to my right side.

"How was your holiday?" Another red-haired boy said, on my left side.

I grinned, "Well if it isn't my favorite Weasley twins."

They winked at me, "We missed you." They said in unison.

"Missed you too. But you do know your common room is the other way, right?"

"Fred, is she shooing us off?"

"Sure seems like it, George."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Oh please. You know I love both of you."

They gave each other a look and smiled, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. I had the biggest crush on them my first and second year. Them being twins made it rather difficult to choose just one, but over time my feelings shifted to mainly George, and now they're family. As an only child, it was comforting to be aware that there were people in my life that I could consider my family. It felt so good to be back. I made sure to walk as slowly as I could to my room, wanting to take in the sight of the school that felt so much like home. I felt nothing but happiness to be back, until I was reminded of the one bad thing about being here.

"I see you have a thing for Weasley's, Reynolds. That's not news though, is it?"

I groaned under my breath, looking at the boy in Slytherin uniform. "What do you want?"

He snickered, walking up to me, alone this time.

"No body guards? What a shocker."

"Which one's your boyfriend?" He asked, ignoring what I said. "The ugly one or the ugly one? Or maybe you switched to the other Weasley."

"Are you watching my every move, Malfoy? Honestly, if you're so obsessed with me, you could just say it."

He scoffed, almost offended, "Me? Obsessed with you? In your dreams, mudblood."

I took in a sharp breath at the name.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did that bother you? It's a shame it's true. No wonder why you and Granger get along so well."

I went to lunge at him. but a pair of arms pulled me back.

"Leave her alone, Malfoy!" Harry yelled.

"Maybe I was wrong, maybe your boyfriend is Pottah here. You're perfect for each other." His expression was full of disgust as he walked away.

I turned to Harry, "Thanks."

"No problem, he just doesn't know when to stop." He looked back at the wealthy boy walking away then turned to me, "Anyway, I came to say good night."

"Good night, say good night to Ron and Hermione for me too."

I smiled, still bothered by the label given to me by Malfoy. I laid down in my bed, trying to get the word out of my head. I looked over to the other bed in the room. Luna Lovegood was sound asleep. I never really spoke to her, she was always strange in everyone's opinion. I'd always try to defend her whenever I caught someone bothering her. People tend to leave her alone once I enter the room. I was thankful she wasn't an annoying roommate, though. I sighed as I closed my eyes, hoping that I'll eventually fall asleep. Something told it was going to be a long year.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! I know there's many other stories out there that might be similar to this one. Of course, this story is going to have differences since it's mine, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was similar to another. The only other Draco fanfiction I've read is 'Dear Draco', and this is going to be similar to that in some ways. However, other than that story, if this one is similar to someone else's, please know that I'm not stealing their ideas! This story is from my own head. I hope you guys enjoy it though! :))

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