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It was a huge scare when Hermione and I were told that Ron had been poisoned on his birthday. We rushed to Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing to see him. We spent some time there and it was made known that the poison was intended for Dumbledore. Things were pointing towards Malfoy more and more and I hadn't bothered to defend him this time. I was slowly starting to believe it was him and that he is a death eater. First Katie Bell, now Ron. He was at Slughorns party uninvited, he had a job to get done, and now the poisoned drink Slughorn was given for Christmas has been given to Ron unintentionally. It all made sense.

Hagrid's friend spider died not too long afterwards, and as frightening as the spider was, we still felt bad for him. Harry took a Good Luck potion to somehow get Slughorn to tell him about a memory of Tom Riddle as well and was successful in doing so. Things were changing rather quickly and the sooner the days went by, the more intense situations seemed to get. Ron and Lavender finally broke up after his little Hermione slip up, and Hermione wasn't upset about it at all.

We were in the Great Hall, I sat at the Gryffindor table with Harry across from Ron and Hermione. We spoke about anything we thought of, about classes, plans about what to do with Voldemort. Hermione and I had been making a list of things to pack incase we have to run for it. It wasn't long before Hermione called Harry's name. We all looked to the side to see Katie Bell farther down the aisle. Harry was quick to go to her and I watched him intently. They had a few seconds of conversation before her eyes got stuck onto something past Harry. He turned around and I did the same, seeing Malfoy, almost paralyzed in shock by Katie's appearance. He soon rushed out of the Great Hall and Harry ran after him.

I got up quickly, Hermione calling after us as I followed Harry. I couldn't seem to catch up and he wouldn't listen when I called his name. I heard yelling from the bathroom and rushed inside to see Harry and Draco dueling each other.

"Harry stop!" I shouted and moved out the way, just barely dodging a spell. "Harry!"

"Sectumsempra!" The noises stopped.

I ran up to Harry and looked at Draco who was now covered in blood stains. I dropped beside his body, "Draco!" I could feel my heart racing, unsure what to do. The blood was flowing more and more, slashes appearing all throughout his body. The whiteness of his shirt changing almost completely to red. "Harry, what did you do?" I asked, looking back to him and he appeared to be in shock. Seconds later, Professor Snape ran in and began to close Draco's wounds. Harry walked out and I rushed after him, grabbing his arm just outside of the bathroom.

"What was that?" I shouted.

"He's the one who hurt Katie!"

"What was that spell? What did you do?"

"Whose side are you on, Juniper?" He yelled.

"Yours! I'm on yours, Harry! But that doesn't mean I'm okay with whatever you just did! Where did you learn to do that?"

"The book! It's a spell for enemies."

"You could've killed him! Did you even know what that spell did?"

He stayed quiet.

"You need to get rid of that book."

"What? No!"

"Harry! It's too dangerous, you hurt him."

"Well maybe he deserved it for hurting Katie and Ron!"

My eyes widened, "Don't say that."

"Oh please, you only care cause you're still in love with him. He's evil, open your eyes."

I looked into his eyes and saw not an ounce of regret in them. "You could've killed him because of that book. You need to get rid of it."

He rolled his eyes, "No. I need it."



"It's changing you. Don't you see? It's the second time you use a spell without knowing what it does. You seriously hurt him, does that not bother you?"

"No. You're just too in love with him to see, too ignorant."

I scoffed, "Wow.. Look at who you're becoming, Harry. How sad.. Scary." I walked away and he said nothing else.

About an hour later I went to see Draco in the Hospital Wing. He was asleep, but Madam Pomfrey let me see him anyway. I walked to his bedside and sat in a chair beside him. I looked at him, putting my hand on his. His face was pale and his under eyes revealed how exhausted he was. It was as though the color was draining out of his face, as though he were a ghost. His hand was cold and his breathing was slow as his chest puffed up and down.

"Hey.." I whispered as quietly as I could. "It's been a while.. Maybe I shouldn't be here. Maybe Harry's right, I should be angry with you, think you deserved it. But I've been worried about you. I think you're the boy Myrtle told Harry about. You cry to her, don't you?" I sighed and rubbed my thumb against his hand softly. "You're tired.. I'm glad you're alive though. It's been hard without you, but I'm learning."

I brought my other hand to his blonde hair, playing with it as I examined him. "You're broken.. aren't you? Cedric says we never know what someone's dealing with behind closed doors. That's why you couldn't tell me that night, isn't it? Because what happens behind closed doors is meant to stay behind them.."

I brought his hand to my lips, kissing it softly. "I forgive you for the secrets. I forgive you for the lies. Of course you won't know that, and it's better it stays that way. We need to keep our distance, but I forgive you."

The door to the Hospital Wing swung open and Professor Snape walked in with Crabbe and Goyle. I stood up quickly, clearing my throat as they looked at me.

"Miss. Reynolds," Snape said.

"I was just going," I stated and began to walk away.

"You're light to him," He said in a monotone voice.

"I'm sorry?" I replied, looking back to him.

"In all this darkness.. you're light. He needs that."

I looked away, "He needs to find a new source of light then."

"It doesn't matter if you're together or not," Crabbe added. "Seeing you is enough."

I sighed, "Please don't tell him I came." I walked out quickly and left to find Hermione and Ron. I had explained to them what happened before and I was wondering if they convinced Harry to get rid of the book. Unfortunately, Harry was glued to the book and even Hermione was upset by it. Ron was aware of my ex-relationship, and even he was slightly bothered by what was done to Malfoy. Harry was being more stubborn than ever and the book was only making things worse. I eventually found them and sat with them, Harry and I avoiding conversation with each other. We spoke about the final Quidditch game coming up and other things coming up with school, Harry was thinking off on his own about who knows what.

Hermione and I walked off and I told her Draco was okay. We went to the library for some time then went back to our common rooms. I thought about everything that had happened and groaned into my pillow in frustration. Things were getting so much more complicated and it was killing me on the inside. What I was told today kept replaying in my mind and my heart and mind were in another battle on what to do. I fell asleep staring at the ceiling, trying to settle the war going on within me.


Author's Note:

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