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Everything has changed since Harry won the Triwizard Tournament. Cedric's death was the most unexpected news we received in Hogwarts and Harry saying Voldemort has returned wasn't any easier to take in. The wizarding world is on it's toes now and nobody knows what to believe. The Daily Prophet and the Minister of Magic claim Harry is lying, but I know he couldn't lie about something as serious as that. I was sitting on a bed with Ron and Hermione when the door opened. Hermione jumped into the arms of a boy who I was soon able to make out to be Harry. I stood up quickly, sighing in relief that he was okay. Fred and George appeared beside him a minute later and I couldn't help but jump at their sudden appearance. They learned Apparition which we would be learning soon, and they took advantage of the skill.

We were all nervous for Harry's hearing. I hoped the Minister would understand that he had no choice. It was either use magic or die and the law says you can use magic in life-threatening situations. We sat together on the day of his hearing, waiting to hear some, hopefully, good news.

"Do you think it was.. you know who?" Ron asked.

"Who else could it have been? Unless the ministry has gone crazy and sent the dementors themselves," Hermione stated angrily. "It's not fair. What else was he supposed to do?"

I sighed, looking out a window. "Things are never going to be the same after this, are they?" I asked, looking at both of them. "He's back, and he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants."

Ron tried to think of a way to lift up the mood, but we all knew that there was nothing that could make this situation any better. He stood up and sat between Hermione and I. He took our hands and I rested my head on his shoulder. We stayed silent until we heard noises downstairs. I didn't hesitate to rush out of the room, seeing Harry.

"Oh thank God!" I squeezed him tightly.

Mr. Weasley smiled, "He's going to Hogwarts!"

We all cheered, and next thing we knew, we were back at Hogwarts. Everyone gave weird stares and others were reading the Daily Prophet in groups, reading the stories of how Harry is a liar. I wish everyone could've seen what Harry went through last year. I wish they could understand that Voldemort was the cause of Cedric's death, that he's back.

"You're here, Pottah? Shouldn't you be in Azkaban or something?" Malfoy asked, chuckling and shoving him to the side.

I reacted faster than I could process and pushed him into a wall, "Leave him alone Malfoy! Or should I tell everyone about you sick father?" I gripped my wand tightly, pointing it at his neck.

"Juniper, don't!" Ron shouted.

I gave him a cold glare, stepping back and lowering my wand. Hermione tapped my shoulder, waving me over as she walked away with the guys. I kept my eyes on Malfoy, his icy grey, almost blue eyes hypnotizing me for a split second. He got off the wall and fixed his robe, standing tall.

"You're cute when you're angry," He winked at me.

"Why do you have to be such an arse?"

"An arse?" He laughed and stood close to me as the hallway started to clear of students.

I took a step away and he grabbed my arm, taking me around the corner.


He pinned me against the wall, standing too close for comfort. I held my breath, keeping my eyes locked on his. He leaned down to my ear and I was sure he could hear the loud pounding of my heart beat. He had his hands wrapped around each of my wrists tightly, keeping them pinned nicely against the wall behind me.

His warm breath grazed my skin, sending chills all throughout my body. "How dare you try to threaten me?"

I stayed quiet, unable to move or speak. His lips skimmed my ear ever-so delicately and my knees grew weak. "Don't you think I know the control I secretly have over you? As much as you deny the feelings you have for me, I know they're there. Don't try that again, Reynolds, or I might not be able to contain myself." He backed away and chuckled under his breath. I was finally able to regain control of myself, catching my breath. I jolted towards the Gryffindor common room, hoping to find someone, but had no luck.

The next day, I sat behind Hermione is Defense Against the Dark Arts. The class was terrible with pink, preppy, buzz-killing Umbridge as the new teacher. We gave each other looks in class, completely annoyed by her way of teaching. I felt like I was being watched while she spoke. I turned to see Draco looking my way. Our eyes connected and he didn't make any faces of disgust, he was rather emotionless. I felt uncomfortable at his all-too normal expression. I broke contact and focused on anything else, but him.

I sat with Hermione and Ron in a hallway bench, talking about some sort of plan to learn how to defend ourselves. I didn't mention anything about Malfoy, knowing they'd be opposed to any sort of interaction between me and him. Hermione thought Harry should secretly teach all of us some spells, but Harry didn't seem to like the idea too much. Umbridge was making school life difficult for all of us and as long as she was around, we'd never be able to learn how to fight if needed. With Voldemort being back, we needed to learn knew spells and skills, and who better to teach us than Harry? We were able to get him to agree after so long of persuading him. Neville found a room of requirement, and we scheduled our first lesson for the next day.

I sat in the library with Hermione while we looked through books to help us with our O.W.L.s. She leaned forward and I looked at her, confused.

"How come Malfoy has been staring at you lately?" She asked, nodding her head in the direction past me.

I turned around slowly, trying not to make it obvious and spotted Draco on the other end of the aisle. I looked back at her and shrugged, "Maybe he's just daydreaming."

"In class too? That's a bit odd," She sat back up. "Wouldn't it be funny if he had a thing for you?"

"Ugh, no," I spat out instantly. "Definitely not."

"Okay, okay. I was just joking," She said with a soft giggle.

I looked back again and he was still focused on me. He lifted up his hand and waved, making me turn back around quickly. I wasn't sure what he was trying to do, but I refused to allow it to happen. Pull yourself together, Juni. I took a deep breath and scanned through the books in front of us, hoping it would somehow take my mind off of the one guy I hated the most. Or at least the guy I thought I hated most.


Author's Note:

Hope you're enjoying so far! This is, technically, my first time writing a fanfiction. If you guys have any feedback, I'd appreciate it so much! Comment, vote, and share if you want to. Thank you! :))

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