idk what to call this chaper

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I was walking in the forest with my axe that had F/C (fav color) handle wearing a F/C crop top with S/F/C (second fav color) jacket with F/C S/F/C shorts and shoes. I was chasing a girl. as I was chasing her I she called me a monster and that when I turn emotionless. she had trip and I pinned her down with my knee didn't even care if I was pushing her stomach she started to cry and scream. I started to laugh as I chop her head off as blood burst out of the top of her neck as her head was on the floor. I started to chop and nibble - chewing on her.

Horror (POV)

me and the rest of the group (witch is nightmare error cross killer and dust) I was walking around and we all heard a girl scream and a girl laughter we to were the noise came from and hid behind some bush we all saw a girl with H/C ( hair color) S/F/C H/L or H/F ( highlights or fade) S/C (skin color) F/C crop top with S/F/C jacket and some F/C S/F/C shoes. she also had a axe just like mine but had a F/C handle and she was eating some girl. Dust: seems like were gonna have another cannibal on the team.

I look at dust with an anoyed face look the I look back at her then I was blushing we all were blushing we didn't see each other blushing but then we had notice that she was emotionless but then I said wait she's gonna join our group nightmare: yes shes joining the team beside the day when the brat sanses come to defeat us she could distract them and bring them into the cage room and beat them up or kill them. then we could celebrate but to do that we need her.

I'm sorry this is short but its like 1:00 and its about to be 2:00 and i forgot to make a front cover because I was writing the description and I had forgot to make the cover

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