Black Rose

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(As the team exit the passage,they are now face to face with Alraune)

Bayonetta : Alraune?I thought I killed you last time,well at least Rodin sealed you in this beauty.

(Bayonetta says pointing at her weapon also named Alraune)

Alraune : I am not so easily sealed into a worthless device made by a third grade weapon smith!

Rodin : Who you callin third grade?

(Rodin says as he enters her castle)

Alraune : Ah,at last sweet sweet vengeance!

(Alraune dashes towards Rodin,only to be held by the neck by the famed demon smith)

Rodin : Oh no no no you ugly mofo,I'll make sure I'll get it done thoroughly this time.

(Rodin says as he grabs a quartet of guns he calls the Black rose)

Alraune : No!Release me you foul fiend,you have no authority!Ahhhhhhhh!

(After the "Joining procedure",Alraune was no more than a soul sealed in Bayonetta's new guns)

Rodin : Yo,Bayonetta!I was thinking of giving you these when you got back,seeing as it is I'll give you them now.

(Rodin gives the Black Rose to Bayonetta)

Bayonetta : Black Rose?Poetic name,how powerful are they?

Rodin : Finest guns I've ever made!

Captain America : Hey we still have a demon king to kill.

Bayonetta : Right,the way in his castle is this way.

Rodin : I'll meet you back at the shop Bayo!

Bayonetta : Right then,tata!

(The team enter the passage)

(End of chapter)

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