Heirs Of The Night

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Heirs of the Night x TMI/Magnus Bane

(based on s1 ep10 - Maze of the Mind)
It's 1889 and Magnus Bane is having a stroll on the shore of Naples, Italy. He spots two girls (Ivy and Alisa) sitting on the pier and a man (Hindrik) on a boat (The Elizabetha) watching them carefully.
The brown-haired girl starts to hyperventilate and the man on the boat looks with worry laced on his face. "Alisa!?" He questions. Before rushing up to pick her up, with cries of "no no no no". He tells the other girl to "get the Contessa", and they both rush to the boat in a panic.
Magnus watched with curiosity, as well as worry, for a child seemed to be hurt. With an impulse, he made himself invisible and ran to the boat.
As he went below deck, he spotted small children with confused demeanours. Two were stroking rats in their hands, one was reading the Bible, two were talking animatedly in Norwegian? and another was scowling indefinitely. However, the most striking features of this image were the eyes of all of them: a deep red, a darkening grey, a bright purple, a bold blue and a shining silver. These were not normal children Magnus concluded.
His train of thought was interrupted when a  blond boy with, again, bold blue eyes stumbled up the stairs. This boy, with a very worried look, went to the two blue-eyed girls and began saying something in Norwegian. Definitely Norwegian.
Magnus was confused. Why were they here, so far away from Norway? Yet his curiosity grew, and after a moment he followed the three, past the small children and down the stairs, further below deck.
The scene: adults rushing to clear a spade in the floor and lighting candles, as Alisa continued to hyperventilate. They laid her down and surrounded her with candles. The blond boy sat at her head, while three girls sat by Alisa's side. One said, "I don't like this. You could get lost. Your father would never allow this. " and the boy replied with "Inger! She is one of us. We are all of the same blood. We have to try."
"Lars, have you done this before?" asked a bearded man. Magnus raised his eyebrow, done what? He questioned. But his question was answered when Lars looked pensive, and with a stoic expression stated, "no."

So, I got a little carried away. This is half prompt, half actual story writing.


What if Dracula wasn't in Italy? As in Calvina wasn't turned. What is her thought process?

'vampire? but she stood in the sun, she held a cross. Human spy being compelled?' Would Nicu believe her if she told him about Alisa.


Nicu's thought process as he watches Alisa snarling at the Redmasks, or as Lars appears (is he the "someone else"?)


Young Dracula x Heirs of the Night

Vlad ends up bumping into Alisa. What they both don't know is that she has already met his father.

Something I started:

"Alisa von Vamalia. How long has it been since we last saw each other?"
Vlad was confused. Alisa looked around his age. And the Germanic accent she had threw him off. Where did his dad meet her?
"1889," she stated bluntly, Vlad went wide-eyed. 'That long ago?' he thought.

"Ahhhh. Lars is doing well, I hope."
"yes, no thanks to you. I'm surprised you've lived this long, considering how many people want you dusted."

Vlad chose this moment to interrupt the obvious resentment Alisa had towards his father. "Soo, Alisa, you're a vampire?"

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