Assistant for Stress (NaLu)

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(A/N: So, today, is my birthday!!!!🎁🎉🎊🎁🎁💃💃

So I decided why not publish this since I have so many daft.

Do comment and vote!!!)

"Excuse me, Lucy." Mira said, her sweet voice ringing through the huge office.

There were two leather couches and a few comfortable looking chairs around a coffee table visible as soon as you walked through the double doors, the furniture set on a huge yellow and pink rug with a crown on it, the Fairy Tail symbol hidden throughout it.

If you turned you would see two steps that led to a large desk, a big luxurious chair with a woman who looked like she was born and set on the throne like chair, meant to rule.

Behind her and lining the raised section were book shelves lined with books, all looking professional until you took a closer look to realize most of them were stories.

People were lounging on the couches and chairs, all talking among themselves and drinking casually.

The woman in question looked up from where she sat at her desk, stilling her pen. Her hair was in a neat curled pony tail, a white button up shirt with the first two undone showing off her neck and collarbones.

"Yes Mira?" She asked.

She was the C.E.O of one of the top corporations in the world but behind closed doors she was the boss of Fairy Tail, one of the biggest, most viscous mafias there was.

It wasn't really a secret but the power she held kept her out of the courts and the prisons.

Not to mention she was stellar at what she does.

"Laxus and Bixlow are back, they have the man you sent for." She said and Lucy slowly put her pen down.

"Let them in." She said simply, turning to her computer and starting to type away. Mira nodded, leaving the room.

A minute later the doors opened again, two broad shouldered men walked in, holding a third man who was struggling, a black bag over his head.

The soft chatter of the people in the room quieted but didn't stop, glancing over before continuing on with their conversations.

"Where do you want this scum?" Laxus asked gruffly.

"Sit him in a chair, how was your trip?" Lucy asked, not looking away from the computer.

"Are you kidding me? I haven't gotten a shower in four days and I'm covered in bug bites!" Bixlow groaned and Lucy eyed him from the corner of her eye.

"That's gross. You should probably go shower." She said and he rolled his shoulders.

"Yeah...where's Ever? I'm gonna get her to give me a backrub." He said hopefully.

Lucy laughed, ignoring the twitching body in the chair.

"She's with Elf. Laxus thank you. I want a report on my desk tomorrow." She said and they both nodded.

She waved her hand to dismiss them.

Bixlow turned, making his way out quickly to shower while Laxus headed towards the couch, sitting down at the corner and letting Lisanna curl into his side.

. Gray yawned, getting up and waltzing over.

Lucy nodded to him and he pulled the bag off the man's head.

Pink hair was freed along with obsidian-black eyes, glaring daggers.

Lucy didn't look over at him, continuing to type.

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