Shower (NaErza)

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"Damn, that monster was stupidly hard to kill. I mean what kind of monster lives in mud?!" Natsu asked.

"For once I agree with you. It was like fighting in a pig pen. Now we're both covered in mud. Although, this is probably the norm for you, Natsu," Erza chuckled.

"OI, I'll have you know I actually have a very clean house!" Natsu scoffed.

"Mhmm, well I'm going back to the guild to take a shower," Erza said trying to scrape of the now tried mud of her and her armor.

"Yeah, same. Mud is one of the few things my fire can't burn off. Just makes it harder," Natsu remarked taking off his scarf as it was now caked in mud.

You see, Natsu and Erza just got back from a particularly dirty job. They had to fight well... To put a bluntly a mud monster a surprising strong one at that.

The 2 got to the guild and Natsu kicked open the door as usual. They immediately got looks from all the guild members considering they we're both caked in mud from head to toe.

"What happened to you guys?" Mira came up to them chuckling.

"Giant mud monster," Natsu said blankly as he walked past her to the showers with Erza.

"They really need to get gender specific showers. This is why I always shower at Fairy Hills," Erza scoffed, closing the door behind them.

"This is Master we're talking about. Good luck convincing that old perv," Natsu chuckled. Going to the other end of the shower, and turning the hot water all the way up.

"I suppose you're right. I've already had to "talk" with him about the Lacrima camera I found in the shower," She said as she turned on the water at a much more reasonable temperature. Un-equipping her muddy armor.

"Ha, dirty old perv probably got the idea from Gildarts," Natsu laughed, taking off his clothes.

After about 10 minutes of showering Erza called out to Natsu. "Err, hey Natsu sorry to ask but could you wash my back? I'm starting to think this mud is actually clay," Erza, said. With a slight pink tint to her cheeks.

"Yeah, but you'll have to do mine after. I have the same problem," Natsu said walking over to Erza.

Erza was unfortunate enough to look over just as Natsu turned around. She got full site of his well, cannon. It was easily 6-7 inches flaccid. Her face instantly turned bright red. Her eyes bulged. She quickly turned around smashing her forehead into the wall.

'OH GOD IT'S HUGE. No no, no, no. You are not a pervert Erza we've showered plenty of times before. The only difference now is that we're adults now and he's hot and has abs and a huge... NO, you will not think of such indecent things! Wait I swear I've read a smut book like this once...'

"OI, Earth to Erza!" Natsu said as he tapped Erza's shoulder and unconsciously snapped her back to reality.

"KYAA" Erza screamed punching Natsu across the shower room. He groaned as he hit the wall with an audible smack.

"Owww, Erza what the hell was that for?!" He said getting up slowly and walking back to her with his hand holding his back.

"It was your fault for creeping up on me," she responded. Crossing her arms under her well-endowed chest. Natsu gulped at the Action. 'Just don't look and you'll be fine. Just don't look and you'll be fine he kept repeating in his head.

"Alright fine, fine, fine," Natsu said. Opting to not get in a confrontation with Titania. He was too tired anyway.

"Well anyway, just hurry up and get this crap off my back," she said turning around. Showing her larger than average butt. To Natsu who again gulped even harder this time. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to try and suppress is boner.

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