Seducing her dragon (NaMira)

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In the city of Magnolia, there was a large, two-story high building that is the headquarters of the Fairy Tail Guild.

Inside the Fairy Tail guild, a huge guild brawl broke out. Tables, chairs, mugs, bottles and debris were being flying around.

People were beating each other with fists, kicks and magic much to the sadness of the old guild Master Makarov who was complaining about losing jewels while releasing anime tears.

However, a pink haired boy with onyx eyes with a black outfit and a white scaly scarf sitting on a table quietly was not joining the brawl which is the most surprising thing.

Reason being, his rival was out in a mission with Erza and a certain blue cat also left with the Strauss siblings on a promise of large fishes. Finally, Natsu sighed and thought "I might as well go alone."

Suddenly, an icy female voice said "Hey Natsu, I want to talk to you."

Natsu turned and saw a fair skinned girl with long white hair and dark blue eyes. Her name was Mirajane Strauss an S class mage. Mirajane wore a gothic-looking, overly revealing outfit matching the tomboyish personality she had at the time.

She donned a dark, skimpy sleeveless shirt adorned with some light curved motifs on the chest, a pair of leather shorts held up by a studded belt with a demonic-looking buckle and thigh-high boots with stiletto heels, each bearing a skull adorned by a flower on their upper front parts.

She also sported a bracelet shaped like a demonic arm around her right wrist, a ring on the same hand's middle finger, and dark nail polish. Her long hair was held in a high ponytail with a dark ribbon.

"Mira, What is it?" asked Natsu with surprise.

Mirajane smirked and winked "Why don't you come with me on an S class mission? Since Lisanna and Elfman are not there I might as well take you."

"Are you sure you want me to come? Erza always said I am not supposed to go for S class missions since I am not ready." asked Natsu curiously.

"Nonsense Dragon boy, you will come with me and that tin-can has no say in what you should do and what not to do and she only makes you end up more pathetic." growled Mirajane as she flexed her arms.

Natsu was hesitant at first but then again he always wanted to go on an S class mission however Erza never took him reasons being he is either too young or he is not ready to take on a mission this dangerous

"Yosh, I am in Mira. When should we leave?" said Natsu as his fists rose.

"Today in an hour so go get your ass ready. Get late and I will teach you a lesson you won't forget." glared Mira as she released her dark aura which made Natsu pale in fear.

"Aye Ma'am!" muttered Natsu sheepishly.

"Good boy." smirked Mira and patted his cheek which made him blush and she walked away. Unknown to Natsu, she had her reasons and it definitely involved a certain pink haired idiot.

It all began years ago; Mirajane was a much feared person which earned her the nickname Demon. She was infamous among the guilds and criminals alike and had a rivalry with Erza.

She always used to pick on Natsu and used to tease him and found it cute when he cried despite that she had a soft spot for Natsu. Her perception of him changed on the fateful day when she had taken her siblings to her first S class mission.

In the mission where Elman's takeover backfired, the beast took over him and Elman was lost deep within his consciousness. Mirajane and Lisanna were badly injured as the beat rampaged out of control.

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